As it is the nominal or money price of goods, therefore, which finally determinesthe prudence or imprudence of all purchases and sales, and thereby regulates almostthe whole business of common life in which price is concerned, we cannot wonderthat it should have been so much more attended to than the real price.In such a work as this, however, it may sometimes be of use to compare thedifferent real values of a particular commodity at different times and places, or thedifferent degrees of power over the labour of other people which it may, upondifferent occasions, have given to those who possessed it. We must in this casecompare, not so much the different quantities of silver for which it was commonlysold, as the different quantities or labour which those different quantities of silvercould have purchased. But the current prices of labour, at distant times and places,can scarce ever be known with any degree of exactness. Those of corn, though theyhave in few places been regularly recorded, are in general better known, and havebeen more frequently taken notice of by historians and other writers. We mustgenerally, therefore, content ourselves with them, not as being always exactly in thesame proportion as the current prices of labour, but as being the nearestapproximation which can commonly be had to that proportion. I shall hereafter haveoccasion to make several comparisons of this kind.In the progress of industry, commercial nations have found it convenient to coinseveral different metals into money; gold for larger payments, silver for purchases ofmoderate value, and copper, or some other coarse metal, for those of still smallerconsideration, They have always, however, considered one of those metals as morepeculiarly the measure of value than any of the other two; and this preference seemsgenerally to have been given to the metal which they happen first to make use of asthe instrument of commerce. Having once begun to use it as their standard, whichthey must have do
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