《卡耐基演讲与口才(英文原版)》内容为:For many years, Dale Carnegie's name hasbeen synonymous with winning friends and influencingpeople. How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the best sellers of all time in nonfiction and has brought him international popularity. But How to Win Friends and Influence People was not the first book written by Dale Carnegie.In 1926, Dale Carnegie wrote a book entitled Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business. This was a textbook on public speaking, and, up to the present date, has been one of the official textbooks of the world-famous Dale Carnegie Course in Effective Speaking and Human Relations. It has also served as a textbook for Y. M. C. A. publicspeaking classes. This book has sold 600,000 copies in the last ten years alone, and the total sale of the hard-cover edition is now over 1,000,000 copies. It has been published in some twenty languages and thousands of copies have been sold in these foreign editions. It has not, however, been a book of which the majority of the reading public has been aware.
More than five hundred thousand men andwomen, since 1912, have been members of publicspeaking courses using my methods. Many of them havewritten statements telling why they enrolled for thistraining and what they hoped to obtain from it.Naurally, the phraseology varied; but the central desirein these letters, the basic want in the vast majority,remained surprisingly the same:" When I am called uponto stand up and speak," person after person wrote,"Ibecome so selfconscious, so frightened, that I can'tthink clearly, can't concentrate, can't remember what Ihad intended to say.I want to gain selfconfidence,poise, and the ability to think on my feet. I want to getmy thoughts together in logical order and I want to beable to say my say clearly and convincingly before abusiness or club group or audience. " Thousands of theirconfessions sounded about like thatl To cite a concrete case:Years ago, a gentleman herecalled Mr. D. W. Ghent, joined my public speakingcourse in Philadelphia.Shortlyafter the openingsession, he invited me to lunch with him in theManufacturers' Club. He was a man of middle age andhad always led an active life; was head of his ownmanufacturing establishment, a leader in church workand civic activities. While we were having lunch thatday, he leaned across the table and said: "I have beenasked many times to talk before various gatherings, butI have never been able to do so. I get so fussed, mymind becomes an utter blank:so I have sidestepped it allmy life. But I am chairman now of a board of collegetrustees. I must preside at their meetings. I simply haveto do some talkingDo you think it will be possiblefor me to learn to speak at this late date in my life?""Do I think, Mr. Ghent?" I replied. "It is not aquestion of my thinking. I know you can, and I knowyou will if you will only practice and follow thedirections and instructions. He wanted to believe that, but it seemed too rosy,too optimistic.I am afraid you are just being kind," heanswered,
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