the national research center at yunnan university for studies of borderland ethnic minorities in southwest china was established in 2001. this center at yunnan university is one of 100 national humanities and social science establishments set up by the chinese education ministry. besides the resource room, it includes the following five institutions: the kuige (fieldwork and social culture) research unit, the ethnic relations and nationalities issues research unit, the cross-border ethnic and border issues research unit, the intangible cultural heritage research unit and the visual anthropological laboratory. there are nineteen persons in the center, including researchers, administrative staff and assistants. their main academic research fields are: ethnic minorities in southwest china (including the dai, hani, naxi, zhuang and others which have not yet been classified), ethnic relations in southwest china, economic anthropology and ethnic minority economic issues, development anthropology and cultural industry in ethnic minority areas, border studies, national politics,china and southeast asia transnational ethnic minorities, traditional knowledge of ethnic minorities and their intangible cultural heritage, visual anthropology, etc.
《中国西南民族学和人类学评论(英文版)》主要内容包括:The National Research Center at Yunnan University for Studies of Borderland Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China was established in 2001. This Center at Yunnan University is one of 100 national humanities and social science establishments set up by the Chinese Education Ministry. Besides the Resource Room, it includes the following five institutions: the Kuige (Fieldwork and Social Culture) Research Unit, the Ethnic Relations and Nationalities Issues Research Unit, the Cross-Border Ethnic and Border Issues Research Unit, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Unit and the Visual Anthropological Laboratory. There are nineteen persons in the Center, including researchers, administrative staff and assistants. Their main academic research fields are: ethnic minorities in southwest China (including the Dai, Hani, Naxi, Zhuang and others which have not yet been classified), ethnic relations in southwest China, economic anthropology and ethnic minority economic issues, development anthropology and cultural industry in ethnic minority areas, border studies, national politics,China and Southeast Asia transnational ethnic minorities, traditional knowledge of ethnic minorities and their intangible cultural heritage, visual anthropology, etc.
%插图:Considering the diversity of ethnic groups and cultures, and the fact of a harmonious coexistence of peoples and cultures within Yunnan, Mr. Wu Xiongwu pointed out that our experience tells that "harmonious existence" lies in tolerance-tolerance to diversity and to ethnic difference-and the cause of tolerance lies in "the peoples cannot help but be tolerant under common natural and historical conditions, or at some time choose to be tolerant out of their ethos". As many theorists believe, an ethnic group is established on the basis of an interior identity which at the same time indicates difference and external exclusion, so nationalism indicates an identity and unity at home but exclusion and conflict towards the outside. But the history and experience of ethnic groups in Yunnan engenders another train of thought: it is possible both to have interior unity or identity as well as external tolerance. In history, while maintaining their own cultural traditions, Yunnan' s ethnic groups could be tolerant towards other cultures and, as a result, a great diversity of cultures could coexist in this piece of territory, Yunnan'In other words, ethnic groups with different cultural traditions could coexist in Yunnan over an extended period of time. This sentiment is consistent with Mr. Fei Xiaotong's "pattern of multiple unification" and "cultural consciousness". Tolerance, as a capability and action respecting others' beliefs and behaviors, is taken by Mr. Wu Xiongwu as a necessity and a choice. In that case, where is the cultural root for tolerance? It lies in the structure of thought and the conceptual model of "multi-unification" in many of Yunnan's ethnic groups. On the one hand, the model of "multi-unification"-a unique way for knowing the world and dealing with internal relations-has been established in the natural conditions and historical processes of Yunnan; on the other hand, this model has become a
《中国西南民族学和人类学评论(英文版)》主要内容包括:The National Research Center at Yunnan University for Studies of Borderland Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China was established in 2001. This Center at Yunnan University is one of 100 national humanities and social science establishments set up by the Chinese Education Ministry. Besides the Resource Room, it includes the following five institutions: the Kuige (Fieldwork and Social Culture) Research Unit, the Ethnic Relations and Nationalities Issues Research Unit, the Cross-Border Ethnic and Border Issues Research Unit, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Unit and the Visual Anthropological Laboratory. There are nineteen persons in the Center, including researchers, administrative staff and assistants. Their main academic research fields are: ethnic minorities in southwest China (including the Dai, Hani, Naxi, Zhuang and others which have not yet been classified), ethnic relations in southwest China, economic anthropology and ethnic minority economic issues, development anthropology and cultural industry in ethnic minority areas, border studies, national politics,China and Southeast Asia transnational ethnic minorities, traditional knowledge of ethnic minorities and their intangible cultural heritage, visual anthropology, etc.
插图:Considering the diversity of ethnic groups and cultures, and the fact of a harmonious coexistence of peoples and cultures within Yunnan, Mr. Wu Xiongwu pointed out that our experience tells that "harmonious existence" lies in tolerance-tolerance to diversity and to ethnic difference-and the cause of tolerance lies in "the peoples cannot help but be tolerant under common natural and historical conditions, or at some time choose to be tolerant out of their ethos". As many theorists believe, an ethnic group is established on the basis of an interior identity which at the same time indicates difference and external exclusion, so nationalism indicates an identity and unity at home but exclusion and conflict towards the outside. But the history and experience of ethnic groups in Yunnan engenders another train of thought: it is possible both to have interior unity or identity as well as external tolerance. In history, while maintaining their own cultural traditions, Yunnan' s ethnic groups could be tolerant towards other cultures and, as a result, a great diversity of cultures could coexist in this piece of territory, Yunnan'In other words, ethnic groups with different cultural traditions could coexist in Yunnan over an extended period of time. This sentiment is consistent with Mr. Fei Xiaotong's "pattern of multiple unification" and "cultural consciousness". Tolerance, as a capability and action respecting others' beliefs and behaviors, is taken by Mr. Wu Xiongwu as a necessity and a choice. In that case, where is the cultural root for tolerance? It lies in the structure of thought and the conceptual model of "multi-unification" in many of Yunnan's ethnic groups. On the one hand, the model of "multi-unification"-a unique way for knowing the world and dealing with internal relations-has been established in the natural conditions and historical processes of Yunnan; on the other hand, this model has become a
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