%The reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping began in 1978. Denghimself said that the reforms were revolutionary. He proclaimed thatthe main responsibility of the Chinese government was to developthe country's economy. China's history during this century has madethe Chinese people realize that the two slogans, "adhering to self-re-liance and working hard to build China" and "reforming and openingup" are not contradictory. China thus entered a period of high-speedeconomic development. China's GDP has on average increased by 9.7percent in the past 20 years. As everyone knows, Deng Xiaoping andmany other influential Chinese leaders once studied in France andwere influenced by French culture. This is something I should men-tion here.The Chinese people entered the year of 1900 humiliated and back-wards. One Dutch dictionary from the beginning of the 20th cen-tury, the Standard Dutch Dictionary, defined Chinese people as peoplewho are stupid and mentally backward. Before 1950, Chinese peoplewere also labeled as the "sick men of East Asia."During the 19th century, the terrible habit of binding girls' feet wasvery common in China, among both the rich and the poor. Perhaps theChinese people of that time can be represented by women with smallbound feet, because they entered the 1900 with deformed feet.But the Chinese people will enter the year of 2000 with healthy andfirm strides. The idea that Chinese people could win gold medals ininternational athletic events was inconceivable 50 years ago. Some saythat Chinese women have surpassed Chinese men. This is perhaps true.After all, it is our women who dominate events like volleyball, soccer,gymnastics and swimming.Now I would like to discuss some of the changes that have taken placein Chinese families and women. Then I will move on to discuss changesof a few important Chinese concepts. In the traditional Chinese family, brothers could live under the sameroof even after they married, but girls had to leave the family upon mar
%Mr. Zhao,Qizheng graduated from Science & Technology University of China in 1963, majoring in nuclear physics. I.ater, he served in research, design and production establishments as senior engineer and deputy factory director for twenty ),ears. From 1984, he held a series of leading positions in Shanghai Municipal Government such as Vice Mayor and Governor of Shanghai Pudong New Area.
Mr. Zhao was appointed as Minister of the State Council Information Office of China in 1998. Since 2008, he is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is currently Dean of School of lournalism and Communication at Renmin University of China.
While serving as Vice Mayor of ShanghaiMunicipality, Mr. Zhao was in charge of foreignaffairs and tbreign trade. During his tenure asMinister in the State Council, he was in chargeof introducing national policies and China'ssocial developments to the world through massmedia and cultural exchanges. He has visiteddozens of cotintries, establishing extensivecontacts with foreign government officials,entrepreneurs, media executives and journalists.
Mr. Zhao has published a series of best-sellers, such as Presenting China to the World,America and Americans Through Chinese Eyes,Riverside Talks——A Friendl), Dialogue Betweenan Atheist and a Christian (coauthored withDr. Luis Palau) and The Logic of Pt,tong NewArea——The Development off New Area andEconomic Globalization.
The reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping began in 1978. Denghimself said that the reforms were revolutionary. He proclaimed thatthe main responsibility of the Chinese government was to developthe country's economy. China's history during this century has madethe Chinese people realize that the two slogans, "adhering to self-re-liance and working hard to build China" and "reforming and openingup" are not contradictory. China thus entered a period of high-speedeconomic development. China's GDP has on average increased by 9.7percent in the past 20 years. As everyone knows, Deng Xiaoping andmany other influential Chinese leaders once studied in France andwere influenced by French culture. This is something I should men-tion here.The Chinese people entered the year of 1900 humiliated and back-wards. One Dutch dictionary from the beginning of the 20th cen-tury, the Standard Dutch Dictionary, defined Chinese people as peoplewho are stupid and mentally backward. Before 1950, Chinese peoplewere also labeled as the "sick men of East Asia."During the 19th century, the terrible habit of binding girls' feet wasvery common in China, among both the rich and the poor. Perhaps theChinese people of that time can be represented by women with smallbound feet, because they entered the 1900 with deformed feet.But the Chinese people will enter the year of 2000 with healthy andfirm strides. The idea that Chinese people could win gold medals ininternational athletic events was inconceivable 50 years ago. Some saythat Chinese women have surpassed Chinese men. This is perhaps true.After all, it is our women who dominate events like volleyball, soccer,gymnastics and swimming.Now I would like to discuss some of the changes that have taken placein Chinese families and women. Then I will move on to discuss changesof a few important Chinese concepts. In the traditional Chinese family, brothers could live under the sameroof even after they married, but girls had to leave the family upon mar
%Mr. Zhao,Qizheng graduated from Science & Technology University of China in 1963, majoring in nuclear physics. I.ater, he served in research, design and production establishments as senior engineer and deputy factory director for twenty ),ears. From 1984, he held a series of leading positions in Shanghai Municipal Government such as Vice Mayor and Governor of Shanghai Pudong New Area.
Mr. Zhao was appointed as Minister of the State Council Information Office of China in 1998. Since 2008, he is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is currently Dean of School of lournalism and Communication at Renmin University of China.
While serving as Vice Mayor of ShanghaiMunicipality, Mr. Zhao was in charge of foreignaffairs and tbreign trade. During his tenure asMinister in the State Council, he was in chargeof introducing national policies and China'ssocial developments to the world through massmedia and cultural exchanges. He has visiteddozens of cotintries, establishing extensivecontacts with foreign government officials,entrepreneurs, media executives and journalists.
Mr. Zhao has published a series of best-sellers, such as Presenting China to the World,America and Americans Through Chinese Eyes,Riverside Talks——A Friendl), Dialogue Betweenan Atheist and a Christian (coauthored withDr. Luis Palau) and The Logic of Pt,tong NewArea——The Development off New Area andEconomic Globalization.
Mr. Zhao,Qizheng graduated from Science & Technology University of China in 1963, majoring in nuclear physics. I.ater, he served in research, design and production establishments as senior engineer and deputy factory director for twenty ),ears. From 1984, he held a series of leading positions in Shanghai Municipal Government such as Vice Mayor and Governor of Shanghai Pudong New Area.
Mr. Zhao was appointed as Minister of the State Council Information Office of China in 1998. Since 2008, he is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is currently Dean of School of lournalism and Communication at Renmin University of China.
While serving as Vice Mayor of ShanghaiMunicipality, Mr. Zhao was in charge of foreignaffairs and tbreign trade. During his tenure asMinister in the State Council, he was in chargeof introducing national policies and China'ssocial developments to the world through massmedia and cultural exchanges. He has visiteddozens of cotintries, establishing extensivecontacts with foreign government officials,entrepreneurs, media executives and journalists.
Mr. Zhao has published a series of best-sellers, such as Presenting China to the World,America and Americans Through Chinese Eyes,Riverside Talks——A Friendl), Dialogue Betweenan Atheist and a Christian (coauthored withDr. Luis Palau) and The Logic of Pt,tong NewArea——The Development off New Area andEconomic Globalization.
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