








牡丹亭 内容简介

《牡丹亭(汉英对照)(舞台本)》:中华文明是世界上唯一历时五千年未曾中断且历久弥新的文明,成就了这一文明的中华文化源远流长、博大精深。本丛书从浩如烟海的中华文化古籍中精选在历史上影响至巨且深为西方读者瞩目的经典,作为了解中国传统文化的必读书目,在保持当下*新的学术研究水准的前提下.以汉英对照版本,让国内外读者一睹古代典籍的原貌,原汁原味地汲取中华文明的精华和真谛。芭蕉叶上雨难留,芍药梢头风欲收。画意无明偏着眼,春光有路暗抬头。chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has been developing continuously for 5,000 years and is as dynamic as it has ever been. the books in this series have been carefully selected from a vast number of chinese classics that were enormously influ- ential throughout history, and have received considerable attention from western readers. since these books are fundamental to the understanding of traditional chinese culture, both the chinese texts and the corre- sponding english translations are provided so that the highest current standards of academic research can be maintained. this allows both chinese and foreign people to read original ancient chinese books and capture the essence of chinese civilization.

牡丹亭 本书特色

《牡丹亭(汉英对照)(舞台本)》:中华文明是世界上唯一历时五千年未曾中断且历久弥新的文明,成就了这一文明的中华文化源远流长、博大精深。本丛书从浩如烟海的中华文化古籍中精选在历史上影响至巨且深为西方读者瞩目的经典,作为了解中国传统文化的必读书目,在保持当下*新的学术研究水准的前提下.以汉英对照版本,让国内外读者一睹古代典籍的原貌,原汁原味地汲取中华文明的精华和真谛。芭蕉叶上雨难留,芍药梢头风欲收。画意无明偏着眼,春光有路暗抬头。Chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has been developing continuously for 5,000 years and is as dynamic as it has ever been. The books in this series have been carefully selected from a vast number of Chinese classics that were enormously influ- ential throughout history, and have received considerable attention from Western readers. Since these books are fundamental to the understanding of traditional Chinese culture, both the Chinese texts and the corre- sponding English translations are provided so that the highest current standards of academic research can be maintained. This allows both Chinese and foreign people to read original ancient Chinese books and capture the essence of Chinese civilization.

牡丹亭 目录


牡丹亭 节选


