Topics for discussion
1 What could you tell a foreign visitor about birds in China? Are there any special birds a visitor should see? And if so, where?
2 Many species of wild birds axe described as 'endangered species'. What does this mean? Do you think it's important to save them from extinction? Why?Why not?
3 'Man would never have thought about flying if he hadn't seen birds and other creatures do it' What do you think?
Listening comprehension
1 Introduce the text
T : Today we 'U talk about trading standards between different countries.
2 Understand the situation
T : What can you see in the picture?
3 Listening objective
T : Listen to the text (or read it silently) and see ifyou can answer this question:
What makes trading between rich countries difficult?
4 Play the tape or read the text or wait for the students to finish reading silently
5 Answer the question
After the reading, ask the question again: What makes trading between rich countries difficult?
Train the students not to shout out the answer. Instead, ask one student, then ask the others to agree or
disagree with a show of hands.
Answer: Differences in national regulations make trading difficult. (Il. 2-3)
6 Intensive reading
Play the tape or read the text again, pausing after every sentence to check the students understand.
Obtain brief explanations to difficulties in the text from the students themselves. Only use Chinese if a
confirmatory translation is necessary.
7 Play the tape or read the text again
8 Reading aloud
Ask one or two students to read the text aloud.
Comprehension questions
1 Are chickens slaughtered in the United States fit to grace European tables? (No, they aren't.)
2 According to whom? (According to officials in Brussels.)
3 Do the Americans say their fowl are fine? (Yes, they do.)
4 What do they do in a different way? (They clean them in a di ……
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