linguistics is a wide-ranging discipline. within its compass lie topics and questions far apart from each other, but all. nonetheless. relevant to our understanding of the nature, structure, use and history of human language. this new. fourth edition of general linguistics draws these strands together into a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the subject. the book considers; semantics and pragmatics dialect and style phonetics and phonology morphology and syntax, with reference both to traditional and to current theories comparative-historical linguistics and linguistic typology linguistics' relation to other disciplines the practical applications of linguistics the 2.500 years of linguistic thought that lies behind what we do and think today the fourth edition of this respected textbook has been fully revised and updated. it introduces readers to important current and new developments, theories and insights. but always within the context of the basic body of subjects traditionally included in the comprehension of general linguistics. aided by a thorough bibiography. this book will prove essential reading for all students embarking on linguistics courses at any level.
《普通语言学概论》内容简介:Linguistics is a wide-ranging discipline. Within its compass lie topics and questions far apart from each other, but all. nonetheless. relevant to our understanding of the nature, structure, use and history of human language. this new. fourth edition of General Linguistics draws these strands together into a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the subject. The book considers; semantics and pragmatics dialect and style phonetics and phonology morphology and syntax, with reference both to traditional and to current theories comparative-historical linguistics and linguistic typology linguistics' relation to other disciplines the practical applications of linguistics the 2.500 years of linguistic thought that lies behind what we do and think today .The fourth edition of this respected textbook has been fully revised and updated. It introduces readers to important current and new developments, theories and insights. but always within the context of the basic body of subjects traditionally included in the comprehension of general linguistics. Aided by a thorough bibiography. this book will prove essential reading for all students embarking on linguistics courses at any level.
R.H. Robins in Professor emeritus of General Linguistics at the University of London.
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