西方的智慧-(I II)-(英文彩绘本)

西方的智慧-(I II)-(英文彩绘本)

作者:本社 编







西方的智慧-(I II)-(英文彩绘本) 本书特色

《西方的智慧(英文彩绘本)(套装全2册)》:"a big book," said callimachus thealexandrianpoet, "is a big evil!" on the whole i feel inclinedtoshare this view. if, therefore, i venture to put thepresentvolume before the reader, it is because, asevils go, this book is aminor one. nevertheless, it calls for a specialexplanation; for ihave some time ago written a book on the samesubject. wisdom of thewest is an entirely new work; though, ofcourse, it would never haveappeared had not my "history of westernphilosophy" precededit.what are philosophers doing when they are at work? this isindeedan odd question, and we might try to answer it by firstsetting out whatthey are not doing. there are, in the world aroundus, many thingswhich are understood fairly well. take, forinstance, tile working of asteam engine. this falls within thefields of mechanics andthermodynamics. again, we know quite a lotabout the way in whichthe human body is built and functions.in graeco-roman times, as today, philosophy was in the mainindependent from religion.philosophers might, of course, askquestionswhich would also be of interest to those whowere concernedwith religious matters. butpriestly organisations had no influenceon, orpower over, the thinkers of those times. theinterveningperiod from the fall of rome tothe end of the middle ages differsin thisrespect from both the preceding andsubsequent eras.philosophy in the westbecame an activity which flourished underthepatronage and direction of the church. forthis there are anumber of reasons. when the western roman empire brokeup, thefunction of the god-emperors ofrome had already been split into twopowers.哲学与历史、政治与宗教、科学与蒙昧,它们或互为表里、或相反相成。只有独具慧眼才能揭示其中的真理之光。从希腊城邦、罗马帝国.到文艺复兴以迄于今的西方文化的昌明;从苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德,到康德、黑格尔、尼采,这是一条绵延不绝的智慧与思想的长河。

西方的智慧-(I II)-(英文彩绘本) 内容简介


西方的智慧-(I II)-(英文彩绘本) 目录

before socrates
early christianity
rise of modern philosophy
british empiricism
enlightenment and romanticism
utilitarianism and since

西方的智慧-(I II)-(英文彩绘本) 作者简介

Bertrand Russell(1872-1970),was a British philosopher,logician,mathematician, historian, religious skeptic,socialreformer, socialist and pacifist. Althoughhe spent the majority ofhis life in England, hewas born in Wales, where he alsodied.Russell led the British "revolt againstidealism" in the early1900s and is consideredone of the founders of analyticphilosophyalong with his protege Wittgenstein and hiselder Frege.He was a prominent anti-waractivist, championing free trade betweennationsand anti-imperialism.Russell was imprisonedfor his pacifistactivism during World War I,campaigned against Adolf Hitler, fornucleardisarmament, criticised Soviet totalitarianismand the UnitedStates of America's involvementin the Vietnam War. In 1950, Russellwasawarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "inrecognition of hisvaried and significantwritings in which he championshumanitarianideals and freedom of thought."

