《剑桥法律英语》:Professional English in Use Law contains 45 units covering a wide variety of legal vocabulary, Topics include corporate and commercial law, liability, real property law, employment law, information technology, contract law, and intellectual property. The book also introduces general legal vocabulary related to legal systems and legal professions, as well as the functional language lawyers need in their daily working lives.Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, Professional English in Use Law can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons and is suitable for upper-intermediate to advanced students(B2-C1 ). Professional English in Use Law has been developed using authentic legal contexts, texts, and documents.45 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained in context on left-hand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages.A focus on key legal terms expands learners' vocabulary and functional language gives learners the confidence and ability to use English in a legal environment.Over to you' sections allow learners to apply the vocabulary they have learned in the unit to their own law studies and working lives.Includes a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key and index.Professional Enghsh in Use Law is an ideal companion for learners preparing for the new Cambridge International Legal English Certifi care (ILEC), covering key vocabulary and topics from the exam.
%插图:Sole traderJamie Anderson, a partner in the commercial department of a law firm, is commenting on the choices for different trading vehicles for business.‘A client wanting to operate a business for profit might select from a number of different trading entities. Each has different legal characteristics and is subject to different rules and regulations. The simplest and commonest form of business structure is a sole trader. This generally suits a relatively small enterprise, such as an independent software developer, a hairdresser, or a small shop. It's headed by a single individual and it differs from a company in that the ownership and management is usually vested in the same person, who is personally responsible for all the debts of the business, and may thus risk becoming bankrupt. Finances are confidential and formalities are few, aside from Value Added Tax, or VAT, regulations.' Partnerships‘A common form of structure for certain kinds of business, for example accountants, solicitors, and architects, is a partnership. This needs to have at least two members and normally a maximum of twenty. There is an exemption on size for some types of firm, such as solicitors and accountants. All the partners may be joindy and severally liable for all the debts of the business. The relationship between the partners is usually drafted in the Partnership Agreement. This can set out the duration of the partnership, its name and business, how profits, losses, and running costs are to be shared, how much capital each partner is to contribute, what rules will apply to the capital, what grounds will lead to a partner being expelled from the company, what restrictions are imposed on partners, and so on. It's also possible to have a Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, which has a legal identity separate from its members. In this
%作者:(英国)布朗(Gillian D.Brown) (英国)赖斯(Sally Rice)
插图:Sole traderJamie Anderson, a partner in the commercial department of a law firm, is commenting on the choices for different trading vehicles for business.‘A client wanting to operate a business for profit might select from a number of different trading entities. Each has different legal characteristics and is subject to different rules and regulations. The simplest and commonest form of business structure is a sole trader. This generally suits a relatively small enterprise, such as an independent software developer, a hairdresser, or a small shop. It's headed by a single individual and it differs from a company in that the ownership and management is usually vested in the same person, who is personally responsible for all the debts of the business, and may thus risk becoming bankrupt. Finances are confidential and formalities are few, aside from Value Added Tax, or VAT, regulations.' Partnerships‘A common form of structure for certain kinds of business, for example accountants, solicitors, and architects, is a partnership. This needs to have at least two members and normally a maximum of twenty. There is an exemption on size for some types of firm, such as solicitors and accountants. All the partners may be joindy and severally liable for all the debts of the business. The relationship between the partners is usually drafted in the Partnership Agreement. This can set out the duration of the partnership, its name and business, how profits, losses, and running costs are to be shared, how much capital each partner is to contribute, what rules will apply to the capital, what grounds will lead to a partner being expelled from the company, what restrictions are imposed on partners, and so on. It's also possible to have a Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, which has a legal identity separate from its members. In this
作者:(英国)布朗(Gillian D.Brown) (英国)赖斯(Sally Rice)
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