《基于机器的智能人脸识别》内容简介:Machine, based Intelligent Face Recognition discusses the general engineering method of imitating intelligent human brains for video-based face recognition in a fundamental way, which is completely unsupervised,automatic, self-learning,self-updated and robust. It also overviews stateof-the-art researchon cognitive-based biometrics and machine-based biometrics, and especially the advances in face recognition.This book is intended for scientists, researchers, engineers, and students in the field of computer vision, machine intelligence, and particularly of face recognition.
插图:Although the two parties who hold opposite opinions provide us much in-formation for the face recognition in cortex, further cognitive research ishighly demanding for ending the debates and providing us a clearer answer.However, we, although as researchers in a different field, can now still figureout that, each side has unfortunately one limitation in common: the importanceof frontal lobe is not taken into consideration at all. As mentioned earlier, thefrontal lobe contributes to the high-level analysis such as reasoning, planning,and problem-solving, etc. Frontal lobe is performing the most complicatedtask, being expected to be involved in all brain process, and hence demonstrating the fundamental intelligence. This region should be definitely explored forthe face recognition procedure. In early 1990s, Gross [29] suggests that theface processing cells are extended to the frontal lobe. In reality, this study focuses on finding the visual ability of the frontal lobe rather than the intelligence of it. More recently, Mechelli et al. [30] and Johnson et al. [31] foundout that, the face processing task, although mainly performed in posterior cortical regions such as FFA, OFA and fSTS, is modulated by top-down signalsoriginating in prefrontal cortex. The main purpose in [31] is to point out that,refreshing is a component of more complex modulatory operations such asworking memory and mental imagery. And the refresh related activity maythus be involved in the common activation patterns seen across different cognitive tasks. In summary, most researches are still concentrating on specificand different prospects. However, they convincingly support our fundamentalopinion: the high-level intelligence performed in frontal lobe is crucial for facerecognition.It is important to note that, there is a high level research on cognitivebased face recognition, published by P. Sinha et al. [32]. They reporte
Dr. Dengpan Mou,Dr.-Ing. and MSc from University of Ulm, Germany,is with Harman/Bedger Automotive Systems GmbH as technology expert,working on video processing, computer vision, machine learning and other research and development topics.
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