

作者:彼得·J·道林(Peter J.Dowling)







国际人力资源管理(第5版)(工商管理经典教材·人力资源管理系列;双语教学推荐教材) 内容简介


国际人力资源管理(第5版)(工商管理经典教材·人力资源管理系列;双语教学推荐教材) 本书特色


国际人力资源管理(第5版)(工商管理经典教材·人力资源管理系列;双语教学推荐教材) 目录

第1章 导论:国际人力资源管理的背景
第2章 组织背景
第3章 国际人员配置
第4章 国际招聘与甄选
第5章 国际培训与开发
第6章 绩效管理
第7章 国际薪酬
第8章 归国与职业生涯问题
第9章 国际劳资关系
第10章 东道国背景下的国际人力资源管理
第11章 国际人力资源管理趋势:未来的复杂性、挑战和选择

国际人力资源管理(第5版)(工商管理经典教材·人力资源管理系列;双语教学推荐教材) 节选


国际人力资源管理(第5版)(工商管理经典教材·人力资源管理系列;双语教学推荐教材) 相关资料

插图:dispersed innovative processes, creating a business plan to convert these inno-vations into viable services or products. Finally, a third set of units are responsi-ble for marketing and producing adaptations of these products and services fora range of customers around the world. The metanational system is described as:a global tournament played at three levels. It is a race to identify and accessnew technohlgies and market trends ahead of the competition, a race to turnthis dispersed knowledge into innovative products and services, and a race toscale and exploit these innovations in markets around the world.The place of the H R function in structural formsAs we point out in our treatment of the various forms, there has been little directinvestigation into how the HR function develops in response to structural changesas a consequence of international growth. An exception is a study of the changingrole of the corporate HR function in 30 UK firms.31 The authors, Scullion andStarkey, found three distinct groups that they describe as follows:Centralized HR companies, characterized by large, well-resourced HRdepartments responsible for a wide range of functions. The key role forcorporate HR was to establish and maintain control over world-wide top levelmanagement positions, such as divisional and subsidiary managers, so thatstrategic staffing was under central control. Companies in this group operatedwithin product-based or matrix structures.Decentralized HR companies, characterized by devolving the HR responsibilitiesto a small group who confined their role to senior management at corporateHQ. This was consistent with the decentralized approach of other functions.Companies within this group operated within product or regional-basedstructures, with only one reporting using a matrix.Transition companies, characterized by medium-sized corporate HRdepartments staffed by a relatively s

国际人力资源管理(第5版)(工商管理经典教材·人力资源管理系列;双语教学推荐教材) 作者简介

彼得·J·道林(Peter J.Dowling),澳大利亚LaTrobe大学人力资源管理教授,国际管理学者协会联盟(IFSAM)主席,澳大利亚与新西兰国际商务学会副主席,澳大利亚人力资源研究院终身会员。曾执教于澳大利亚的墨尔本大学、莫纳什大学、塔斯马尼亚大学和新西兰的惠灵顿维多利亚大学,并担任美国康奈尔大学和密歌根州立大学的客座教授。独立发表或与他人合作发表70余篇文章。担任International Journal of Human Resource,Journal of Worid Business,Management Intemational Review等多家杂志编委。

