Music reflects thoughts of people, sense of beauty and arts of the human being. It, in a special way, shows different cultures of people and concepts in the world. That is why it is considered as a gem in the history of human civilization. The Chinese music is of a unique style, featuring various form sand graceful expressions. The Chinese musical instruments, of different varieties and colorful tones, constitute an important part of the Chinese folk music, which, together with the Chinese operas, plays an important role in the development of Chinese culture. The exchanges and conflicts between the Chinese and Western culture can be extended to the music world. The Chinese music, after thousands of years of accumulation and development, has shown up a pattern featuring plentiful contents, classes and styles as well as coexistence of classical and pop music and coexistence of traditional and modern music.
Jin Jie was graduated from the Musicology Department of China Conservatory of Music. She stayed there as a teacher after graduation and has been working there since then. She is a member of the World Ethnic Music Societyunder the Chinese Musicians Association. She is also a member of the Jiu San Society. She was the music coordinator of the CCTV National Young Singers' Contest in 2002 and2006. She has published Conductor Masters and the Performanco Famous Conductors,Famous Orchestras and Famous Gramophone Records.
Jin Jie was graduated from the Musicology Department of China Conservatory of Music. She stayed there as a teacher after graduation and has been working there since then. She is a member of the World Ethnic Music Societyunder the Chinese Musicians Association. She is also a member of the Jiu San Society. She was the music coordinator of the CCTV National Young Singers' Contest in 2002 and2006. She has published Conductor Masters and the Performanco Famous Conductors,Famous Orchestras and Famous Gramophone Records.
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