the selected works of jiang zemin comprises three volumes and brings together the major works the author wrote between august 1980 and september 2004. it contains 203 reports, speeches, remarks, articles, letters, comments, orders and messages, many of which are available in english for the first time. the selected works of jiang zemin vividly records the historic process in which the third generation of the central collective leadership of the communist party of china (cpc), with jiang zemin at its core, guided the party and the people of all china's ethnic groups in pushing forward socialism with chinese characteristics. the three volumes accurately review the cpc's valuable experiences of leading the people in overcoming difficulties and initiating a new phase in socialism with chinese characteristics. they fully reflect the major theoretical achievements the cpc creatively advanced by integrating the basic tenets of marxism with china's realities and the characteristics of the times under the guidance of marxism-leninism, mao zedong thought and deng xiaoping theory. the selected works of jiang zemin also provides profound insight into the historic process of the inception, formation and development of the important thought of three represents, the author's most important theoretical contribution.
this volume includes 81 works written between august 21, 1980 and august 5, 1997.
《江泽民文选(第1卷):英文版》内容简介:The Selected Works of Jiang Zemin comprises three volumes and brings together the major works the author wrote between August 1980 and September 2004. It contains 203 reports, speeches, remarks, articles, letters, comments, orders and messages, many of which are available in English for the first time. The Selected Works of Jiang Zemin vividly records the historic process in which the third generation of the central collective leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), with Jiang Zemin at its core, guided the Party and the people of all China's ethnic groups in pushing forward socialism with Chinese characteristics. The three volumes accurately review the CPC's valuable experiences of leading the people in overcoming difficulties and initiating a new phase in socialism with Chinese characteristics. They fully reflect the major theoretical achievements the CPC creatively advanced by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's realities and the characteristics of the times under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. The Selected Works of Jiang Zemin also provides profound insight into the historic process of the inception, formation and development of the important thought of Three Represents, the author's most important theoretical contribution.This volume includes 81 works written between August 21, 1980 and August 5, 1997.
Second, we must subordinate ourselves to and serve the country's development strategy.A country's military strategic principle is always in service of achieving its strategic objectives. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, under the guidance of Comrade Deng, our Party formulated the basic line of "one central task, two basic points" and the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. At its Fourteenth Congress, the Party comprehensively reviewed the fundamental experiences gleaned from 14 years' reform and opening up and formulated strategic plans for China's future development. We need to create a basic socialist market economy and achieve the second-step objective of raising the people's living standard throughout the country to a level of moderate prosperity in the 1990s. By the centenary of the founding of the CPC in 2021, all fields of endeavor should have more mature and fixed systems. By the middle of the next century at the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic in 2049, we should reach our third-step development objective of basically achieving socialist modernization. This is our overall plan, which affects the fundamental interests of the country; and the nation, and the entire Party, army and country need to subordinate themselves to and serve this plan, and do everything possible to achieve the country's lofty goals. Following a strategy of active defense in these new circumstances means that in this complex and volatile international situation we must always take the country's overall interests as our starting point, painstakingly guide army building and military struggle, and coordinate closely with the country's political and diplomatic work. We must get the army to fully play its role in safeguarding the country's security, the unity of the motherland and social stability and supporting socialist modernization, while providing powerful security assurances for reform, opening up and econom
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