《西藏七百年(英文版)》介绍:When China entered the period of the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), Tubo pledged allegiance to the Central Government and the region became a part of China. Soon after the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) replaced the Yuan Dynasty in 1368, all the representative figures in Tibet received official titles from the Ming court. When the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) replaced the Ming to rule the whole of China, including Tibet, the 5th Dalai Lama was summoned to Beijing for an audience with Emperor Shunzhi in 1625 and received his official title from the Qing court the following year. When the Republic of China (1912-1949) was founded, the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China,enacted under the auspices of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Interim President, stipulated that Tibet was one of the 22 provinces of the Republic of China. When the People's Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949, the Central Government and the local government of Tibet signed the Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet in Beijing on May 23, 1951. Tibet won peaceful liberation in accordance with the agreement.
In 1251, Sapan and Godan both died in Liangzhou. After Sapan's death,his nephew Pagba was still learning scripture in the Huanhua Monastery in Liangzhou. At that time, there was a fierce internal power struggle among the leading members of the Mongol ruling class, and at last Monge ascended the throne as the Khan in this year. In 1252, Kublai Khan received orders from Monge to lead a military expedition to Dali.
In about 1253, when Kuhlai Khan was garrisoning his army in Liupanshan,Pagba as well as Mongodo, the son of Godan, met with Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan presented Mongodo with 100 Mongol cavalrymen and asked Pagba to stay. This was the first meeting of Pagba and Kublai Khan. Pagba would later become the most respected and honoured Buddhist monk in China.
Kublai Khan had a good opinion of this modest and well-mannered young monk, and was impressed with his profound knowledge. Kublai Khan asked Pagba about the history of Tibet, and Pagba related the deeds of Songtsam Gambo, Trisum Detsan and other tsampos (kings) of the Tubo Kingdom. After listening to Kublai Khan who ordered people to consult the Chinese historical books. These books confirmed the veracity of what Pagba had related. Thus,Kublai Khan gained an even more favorable impression of Pagba. The History of the Yuan Dynasty reads "Pagba could recite hundreds of thousands of lines at the age of 7."
Although there may be some exaggeration here, there can be no doubt that Pagba was wise and intelligent, diligent and scholarly. He was taught by his uncle Sapan. Sapan was famed as a wise man who had profound knowledge and was most accomplished in the"Pancavidya (Five Studies)", and had made great achievements in Buddhism and history during his youth. As a result it was entirely reasonable that Pagba should have won the special favor of Kublai Khan.
Mongol rulers of the day treated Buddhism and Taoism equally without discrimination, but there was plenty of enmity between the two religions. Each hurled accusations and threats at the other as they sought to gain Mongol preferential treatment. Then in 1258 Monge Khan gave orders that therepresentatives of Buddhism and Taoism were to be called together for a debate.
During this debate, Pagba demonstrated his profound knowledge and eloquence. Buddhism effectively won the debate. In 1260, when Kublai Khan ascended to the Khan throne, he immediately appointed Pagba the Imperial Tutor.
In 1251, Sapan and Godan both died in Liangzhou. After Sapan's death,his nephew Pagba was still learning scripture in the Huanhua Monastery in Liangzhou. At that time, there was a fierce internal power struggle among the leading members of the Mongol ruling class, and at last Monge ascended the throne as the Khan in this year. In 1252, Kublai Khan received orders from Monge to lead a military expedition to Dali.
In about 1253, when Kuhlai Khan was garrisoning his army in Liupanshan,Pagba as well as Mongodo, the son of Godan, met with Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan presented Mongodo with 100 Mongol cavalrymen and asked Pagba to stay. This was the first meeting of Pagba and Kublai Khan. Pagba would later become the most respected and honoured Buddhist monk in China.
Kublai Khan had a good opinion of this modest and well-mannered young monk, and was impressed with his profound knowledge. Kublai Khan asked Pagba about the history of Tibet, and Pagba related the deeds of Songtsam Gambo, Trisum Detsan and other tsampos (kings) of the Tubo Kingdom. After listening to Kublai Khan who ordered people to consult the Chinese historical books. These books confirmed the veracity of what Pagba had related. Thus,Kublai Khan gained an even more favorable impression of Pagba. The History of the Yuan Dynasty reads "Pagba could recite hundreds of thousands of lines at the age of 7."
Although there may be some exaggeration here, there can be no doubt that Pagba was wise and intelligent, diligent and scholarly. He was taught by his uncle Sapan. Sapan was famed as a wise man who had profound knowledge and was most accomplished in the"Pancavidya (Five Studies)", and had made great achievements in Buddhism and history during his youth. As a result it was entirely reasonable that Pagba should have won the special favor of Kublai Khan.
Mongol rulers of the day treated Buddhism and Taoism equally without discrimination, but there was plenty of enmity between the two religions. Each hurled accusations and threats at the other as they sought to gain Mongol preferential treatment. Then in 1258 Monge Khan gave orders that therepresentatives of Buddhism and Taoism were to be called together for a debate.
During this debate, Pagba demonstrated his profound knowledge and eloquence. Buddhism effectively won the debate. In 1260, when Kublai Khan ascended to the Khan throne, he immediately appointed Pagba the Imperial Tutor.
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