Plagiarism: One of these signs is the fact that the same movement which effected the elevation of what was called the lowest class in the state, assumed in literature a very marked and as benign an aspect. That which had been negligently trodden under foot by those who were harnessing and provisioning themselves for long journeys into far countries, is suddenly found to be richer than all foreign parts. The literature of the poor, the feelings of the child, the philosophy of the street, the meaning of household life, are the topics of the time. It is a great stride. Mthough the second sentence in this paragraph is deleted, this version obviouslyplagiarizes the original passage. The writer neither uses quotation marks to enclosethe original passage nor gives the source from which the original passage comes, thuscreating the impression that this passage is the writer's own work. Plagiarism: One of these signs is the fact that the same movement which effected the elevation of what was called the lowest class in the state, assumed in literature a very marked and as benign an aspect. Instead of the sublime and beautiful, the near, the low, the common, was explored and poetized.That which had been negligently troddenunder foot by those who were harnessing an provisioning themselves for longjourneys into far countries, is suddenly found to be richer than all foreign parts.The literature of the poor, the feelings of the child, the philosophy of the street, themeaning of household life, are the topics of the time. It is a great stride. The writer documents the source and writes the passage in his own words,therefore it is not considered to be plagiarism.5. Complete the first draftGenerally speaking, a research paper consists of introduction, body, conclusion,notes, and bibliography.The introduction usually tells readers your points of views on the subject, providesthe background, defines or describes the problem, comments on the way it is to betreated and arrests readers' attention.The body section usually describes, explains or analyses and discusses yourfindings.The function of concluding remarks is to summarize and restate the centralideas and its supporting details. No irrelevant material and no new views should beintroduced in the conclusion.When writing the first draft, put your thesis statement in the introduction and relateall ideas in the paper to it, so that the entire research paper is unified.Using the divisions in your outline, write the paper section by section. To makeyour paper unified and coherent, center all the material around the main idea, joiningthem closely with transitional words, sentences, or paragraphs, and presenting them in alogical order. Remember to give your own opinions of the material, because assessmentis a necessary element of a good research a good research paper.Use an explanatory note to discuss some minor issue or to give the definition toa specially used term if some supplementary information would interrupt the flow ofthought in the paper. The explanatory note is put at the bottom of the page, four linesaway from the main text. When finishing the first draft, put this version aside for a day ortwo. Then reread and revise it.
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