

作者:笛福(Daniel Defoe)







鲁宾孙漂流记-(英语原著版.第二辑) 内容简介


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After this, he press'd me eamestly, and in the most affectionate manner, not to play the young Man, not to precipitate my self into Miseries which Nature and the Station of Life I was born in, seem'd to have provided against; that I was under no Necessity of seeking my Bread; that he would do well for me, and endeavour to enter me fairly into the Station of Life which he had been just recommending to me; and that if I was not very easy and happy in the World, it must be my meer Fate or Fault that must hinder it, and that he should have nothing to answer for, having thus discharg'd his Duty in warning me against Measures which he knew would be to my Hurt: In a word, that as he would do very kind things for me if I would stay and settle at Home as he directed, so he would not have so much Hand in my Misfortunes, as to give me any Encouragement to goaway: And to close all, he told me I had my elder Brother for an Example, to whom he had used the same earnest Perswasions to keep him from going into the Low Country Wars, but could not prevail, his young Desires prompting him to run into the Army where he was kill'd; and tho' he said he would not cease to pray for me, yet he would venture to say to me, that if I did take this foolish Step, God would not bless me, and I would have Leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his Counsel when there might be none to assist in my Recovery.I observed in this last Part of his Discourse, which was truly Prophetick, tho I suppose my Father did not know it to be so himself; I say, I observed the Tears run down his Face very plentifully, anti especially when he spoke of my Brother who was kill'd; and that when he spoke of my having Leisure to repent, and none to assist me, he was so mov'd, that he broke off the Discourse, and told me, his Heart was so full he could say no more to me.

鲁宾孙漂流记-(英语原著版.第二辑) 作者简介

作者:(英国)笛福(Daniel Defoe)笛福(1660-1731),英国作家,新闻记者,小册子作者。英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为“小说之父”。笛福生于英国伦敦,父亲从事屠宰业,信奉不同于国教的长老会。笛福原姓福,1703年后自称笛福。他受过中等教育,但没有受过大学古典文学教育。他一直保持不同于国教信仰的立场,政治上倾向于辉格党。二十多岁时,笛福已是伦敦一个体面的商人,经营过内衣、烟酒业等等,到过欧洲大陆。1692年经商破产而以其他方式谋生。他给政府当过情报员,设计过开发事业。他还从事写作,早年以写政论文和讽刺诗著称,反对封建专制,主张发展资本主义工商业。1698年他发表了《论开发》,建议修筑公路,开办银行,征收所得税,举办水火保险,设立疯人院,创办女学等。1702年他在政论文《消灭不同教派的捷径》中用反语讽刺政府的宗教歧视政策,猛烈抨击托利党当局迫害不同教派,由于文笔巧妙,开始未被识破,发觉后被捕入狱6个月,并受枷刑示众,笛福在狱中针锋相对写了诗歌《枷刑颂》讽刺法律的不公。1704年至1713年主办了杂志《法国时事评论》。1719年笛福发表了他的第一部小说《鲁滨孙漂流记》,大受读者欢迎。接着出版了《鲁滨孙漂流续记》。

