

作者:布鲁克斯(Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.)







人月神话(英文版) 内容简介


人月神话(英文版) 本书特色


人月神话(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1 The Tar Pit 3Chapter 2 The Mythical Man-Month 13Chapter 3 The Surgical Team 29Chapter 4 Aristocracy, Democracy, and System Design 41Chapter 5 The Second-System Effect 53Chapter 6 Passing the Word 61Chapter 7 Why Did the Tower of Babel Fail? 73Chapter 8 Calling the Shot 87Chapter 9 Ten Pounds in a Five-Pound Sack 97Chapter 10 The Documentary Hypothesis 107Chapter 11 Plan to Throw One Away 115Chapter 12 Sharp Tools 127Chapter 13 The Whole and the Parts 141Chapter 14 Hatching a Catastrophe 153Chapter 15 The Other Face 163Chapter 16 No Silver Bullet—Essence and Accident 177Chapter 17 "No Silver Bullet" Retired 205Chapter 18 Propositions of The Mythical Man-Month: True or False? 227Chapter 19 The Mythical Man-Month after 20 Years 251Epilogue 291Notes and References 293Index 309%

人月神话(英文版) 节选



人月神话(英文版) 相关资料

插图:Where is the WIMP interface forced to go far beyond thedesktop metaphor? Most notably in two respects: menus andone-handedness. When working withL a real desktop, one doesactions to documents, rather than telling someone or somethingto do them. And when one does tell someone to do an action,one usually generates, rather than selects, the oral or writtenimperative verb commands: "Please file this." "Please find theearlier correspondence." "Please send this to Mary to handle." Alas, the reliable interpretation of free-form generated En-glish commands is beyond the present state of the art, whethercommands are written or spoken. So the interface designerswere two steps removed from direct user action on documents.They wisely picked up from the usual desktop its one exampleof command selection——the printed buck slip, on which the userselects from among a constrained menu of commands whose se-mantics are standardized. This idea they extended to a horizon-tal menu of vertical pull-down submenus.Command utterances and the two-cursor problem.Com-mands are imperative sentences; they always have a verb andusually have a direct object. For atly action, one needs to specifya verb and a noun.


人月神话(英文版) 作者简介

作者:(美国)布鲁克斯(Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.)布鲁克斯(Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.),1931年4月19日出生于美国北卡罗来纳州Durham,1953年毕业于杜克大学,1956年获得哈佛大学应用数学博士学位,同年加入IBM公司,他领导了IBM Systern/360及其操作系统OS/360的开发,被誉为“0BM360系统之父”,“计算机体系结构”一词即由他首先提出。1964年他离开IBM,创建了北卡罗来纳大学计算机科学系,担任系主任长达20年。1975年,他出版了著名的《人月神话》,探讨软件工程的管理问题。1986年,他发表了经典论文《没有银弹》(本书己收录)。

人月神话(英文版) 节选


人月神话(英文版) 相关资料

插图:Where is the WIMP interface forced to go far beyond thedesktop metaphor? Most notably in two respects: menus andone-handedness. When working withL a real desktop, one doesactions to documents, rather than telling someone or somethingto do them. And when one does tell someone to do an action,one usually generates, rather than selects, the oral or writtenimperative verb commands: "Please file this." "Please find theearlier correspondence." "Please send this to Mary to handle." Alas, the reliable interpretation of free-form generated En-glish commands is beyond the present state of the art, whethercommands are written or spoken. So the interface designerswere two steps removed from direct user action on documents.They wisely picked up from the usual desktop its one exampleof command selection——the printed buck slip, on which the userselects from among a constrained menu of commands whose se-mantics are standardized. This idea they extended to a horizon-tal menu of vertical pull-down submenus.Command utterances and the two-cursor problem.Com-mands are imperative sentences; they always have a verb andusually have a direct object. For atly action, one needs to specifya verb and a noun.


人月神话(英文版) 作者简介

作者:(美国)布鲁克斯(Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.)布鲁克斯(Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.),1931年4月19日出生于美国北卡罗来纳州Durham,1953年毕业于杜克大学,1956年获得哈佛大学应用数学博士学位,同年加入IBM公司,他领导了IBM Systern/360及其操作系统OS/360的开发,被誉为“0BM360系统之父”,“计算机体系结构”一词即由他首先提出。1964年他离开IBM,创建了北卡罗来纳大学计算机科学系,担任系主任长达20年。1975年,他出版了著名的《人月神话》,探讨软件工程的管理问题。1986年,他发表了经典论文《没有银弹》(本书己收录)。

人月神话(英文版) 作者简介

作者:(美国)布鲁克斯(Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.)布鲁克斯(Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.),1931年4月19日出生于美国北卡罗来纳州Durham,1953年毕业于杜克大学,1956年获得哈佛大学应用数学博士学位,同年加入IBM公司,他领导了IBM Systern/360及其操作系统OS/360的开发,被誉为“0BM360系统之父”,“计算机体系结构”一词即由他首先提出。1964年他离开IBM,创建了北卡罗来纳大学计算机科学系,担任系主任长达20年。1975年,他出版了著名的《人月神话》,探讨软件工程的管理问题。1986年,他发表了经典论文《没有银弹》(本书己收录)。

