插图:It's not until a fraction of a second later that the higher regions of the brain get the signal andbegin to sort out whether the danger is real. But that fraction of a second causes us to experiencethe fear far more vividly than we do the rational response——-an advantage that doesn't disappearwith time. The brain is wired in such a way that nerve signals travel more readily from theamygdala to the upper regions than from the upper regions back down. Setting off your internalalarm is quite easy, but shutting it down takes some doing."There are two systems for analyzing risk: an automatic, intuitive system and a morethoughtful analysis," says Paul Slovic, professor of psychology at the University of Oregon. "Ourperception of risk lives largely in our feelings, so most of the time we're operating on system No.I."There's clearly an evolutionary advantage to this natural timorousness. If we're mindful ofreal dangers and flee when they arise, we're more likely to live long enough to pass on our genes.But evolutionary rewards also come to those who stand and fight, those willing to take risks——andeven suffer injury——in pursuit of prey or a mate. Our ancestors hunted mastodons and stampededbuffalo, risking getting trampled for the possible payoff of meat and pelt. Males advertised theirreproductive fitness by fighting other males, willingly engaging in a contest that could mean deathfor one and offspring for the other.These two impulses——to engage danger or run from it——are constantly at war and have leftus with a well tuned ability to evaluate the costs and payoffs of short-term risk, say Slovic andothers. That, however, is not the kind we tend to face in contemporary society, where threatsdon't necessarily spring from behind a bush. They're much more likely to come to us in the formof rumors or news broadcasts or an escalation of the federal terrorism-threat level from orange tored. It's when the risk and the consequences of our response unfold more slowly, experts say, thatour analytic system kicks in. This gives us plenty of opportunity to overthink——-or underthink——the problem, and this is where we start to bollix things up.
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