Sexuality Today

Sexuality Today

作者:Kelly, Gary F.






Sexuality Today successfully balances psychological, biological, and social aspects of human sexuality, integrating the latest research findings and providing a variety of tools to help students engage personally with core concepts. The author's balanced approach is evident in his ability to present various sides of controversial topics in a neutral voice, supported by sound research yet expressed in a lively and applied manner.


Part 1. Social and Biological Foundations of Human Sexuality
Chapter 1. Cultural, Historical, and Research Perspectives on Sexuality
Chapter 2. Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 3. Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 4. Human Sexual Arousal and Response
Chapter 5. Developmental and Social Perspectives on Gender
Part 2. Understanding Sexuality in Ourselves and in Our Relationships
Chapter 6 Sexuality in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence
Chapter 7. Adult Sexuality and Relationships
Chapter 8. Sexual Individuality and Sexual Values
Chapter 9. Sexuality, Communication, and Relationships
Part 3. Human Reproduction, Contraception, and Abortion: Sexuality Confronts Social Policy
Chapter 10. Reproduction, Reproductive Technology, and Birthing
Chapter 11. Decision Making about Pregnancy and Parenthood
Part 4. Sexual Behavior and Contemporary Society
Chapter 12. Solitary Sex and Shared Sex
Chapter 13. Same-Gender Orientation and Behavior
Chapter 14. The Spectrum of Human Sexual Behavior
Chapter 15. Sex, Art, the Media, and the Law
Part 5. Dealing with Sexual Problems
Chapter 16. Sexual Consent, Coercion, Rape, and Abuse
Chapter 17. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS, and Sexual Decisions
Chapter 18. Sexual Dysfunctions and Their Treatment
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Gary F. Kelly has been a sexuality educator for 35 years, publishing several popular books in the field. After a 30-year career as a Counselor and Vice President for Student Affairs at Clarkson University, and as Headmaster of The Clarkson School, he retired from administrative work to devote more time to writing, teaching, and counseling. He continues to teach the undergraduat...


