How can you make your iPhone or iPad app standout in the highly competitive App Store? While many books simply explore the technical aspects of iPhone and iPad app design and development,App Savvyfocuses on the business, product, and marketing elements criticalto pursuing, completing, and selling your app -- the ingredients forturning a great idea into a genuinely successful product.
Whether you're a marketer, designer, developer, entrepreneur, product manager, or just someone with a unique idea,App Savvyexplains every step in the process, with guidelines for planning asolid concept, engaging customers early and often, developing your app,and launching it with a bang. Author Ken Yarmosh details a provenprocess for developing successful apps, and presents numerous interviews with the App Store's most prominent publishers.
Learn about the App Store and how Apple's mobile devices functionFollow guidelines for vetting and researching app ideasValidate your ideas with customers -- and create an app they'll be passionate aboutAssemble your development team, understand costs, and establish a workable processBuild your marketing plan while you develop your applicationTest your working app extensively before submitting it to the App StoreAssess your app's performance and keep potential buyers engaged and enthusiastic Three Myths About Building iPad/iPhone Apps
1. Being Artistically or Technically Challenged Makes You Useless
Roughly 30-40% of your app is about thinking including researching, a disciplined approach to talking to potential customers about your idea, and "mocking" your app in easy to use software tools. Even if you don't know how to design or develop an app, there's much to do before formally building it.
2. It's Impossible to Find People to Build an App
Today, there are mobile-specific resources available, which will make finding those that can help build your app much easier. And knowing the right questions to ask will allow you to be clear about how much your app will cost and how long it will take to build.
3.Marketing Occurs Once the App is Available
Starting your marketing earlier will help development and vice versa. Following the right steps to start developing and marketing your app at the same time will make your app considerably more successful once it launches.
Ken Yarmosh
产品策略师,致力于制作出色的移动端应用。在从事移动应用开发之前,他策划过许多桌面和网页应用程序,包括财务软件系统和自动化营销搜索平台等。Ken自己开发过畅销的应用,也在App Store中成功打造过畅销美国的知名应用。
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