作者:Elizabeth Irvine Bray
出版社:Antique Collectors Club
Paul Flato: Jeweler to the Stars celebrates the work of Hollywood's first celebrity jeweller. This lavishly illustrated book shows Flato's exquisite pieces in all their glory, sparkling on the page alongside the stars, socialites and heiresses who wore them. At the height of Flato's career, he was more famous than Tiffany & Co. or Harry Winston. Branching into Motion Pictures at the pinnacle of Hollywood's Golden Era, Flato designed jewellery for a total of six films, including Holiday (1938) with Katherine Hepburn and the disastrous flop, Two Faced Woman (1941), the last film Greta Garbo ever made. But, in 1943 at the peak of his celebrity, Flato found himself facing financial ruin and heading "up the river" to the infamous Sing Sing Prison as his career and reputation plummeted. Now, more than a half-century later, Flato's distinctive jewellery, still fresh and chic, has reemerged to captivate a new audience. As well as images of the jewellery itself, sourced from auction houses and private collections, Paul Flato: Jeweler to the Stars includes previously unpublished photographs from the Flato family archives, images of glamarous New York and Hollywood clients wearing Flato's designs, fascinating film stills, and studio portraits, as well as many original design sketches. This tribute to one of America's greatest jewellers with enchant jewellery connoisseurs, collectors and Hollywood film buffs alike.
A graduate gemmologist from the Gemmological Institute of America in New York, Elizabeth Irvine Bray was a jewellery specialist with Christie's auction house for over 7 years. She is currently a consultant and appraiser based in Los Angeles.
This detailed biography retraces Flato s life and works, shedding a candid light on his accomplishments and his undoings.
--Gems & Gemology
A graduate gemmologist from the Gemmological Institute of America in New York, Elizabeth Irvine Bray was a jewellery specialist with Christie's auction house for over 7 years. She is currently a consultant and appraiser based in Los Angeles.
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