This memoir of young American film-man Marvin Farkas's life inHong Kong of the 1950s and 1960s looks set to be one of the biggestAsia books of 2011. Full of vivid stories and characters, the bookis a classic tale of a young man's rite of passage, but also afirst-hand account of some of the key events and personalities of anow lost era. Arriving in Hong Kong in 1954 on the cargo shipEastern Saga, Marvin took up lodgings at the ForeignCorrespondent's Club (FCC) as he started out building a career withonly US$200 and the camera which he had taken from his father's newYork studio. An Eastern Saga covers Marvin's experiences of eventsranging from the expulsion of the Dutch from Indonesia, toMalaysian independence and the early years of the Vietnam war, andhis meetings with key figures including Zhou Enlai, Sukarno, AliBhutto, and legendary director Satyajit Ray. Above all though, thisis a charming account of a now lost era.
Arriving in Hong Kong in 1954 on the cargo ship Eastern Saga, former Broadway star Marvin took up lodgings at the Foreign CorrespondentA fs Club (FCC) as he started out building a career with only US$200 and the camera which he had taken from his fatherA fs New York studio. Beginning as a copy editor on Hong Kong paper the Tiger Standard, Marvin soon established himself as a budding news photographer, covering local events from the fatal Cathay Pacific crash of 1954, to the infamous A ePeak Tram MurderA f of 1955, in which Marvin nearly had a starring roleA c Within weeks of arriving in Hong Kong, Marvin had started the Farkas Film Company, which provided footage for the international news networks and took Marvin all around the region, from Indonesia to Vietnam, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Taiwan, giving him a front line view of some of the momentous changes sweeping the region. Marvin also worked on many of the major Asia films of the day, including A eThe World of Suzie Wong,A f and with stars ranging from Orson Wells to Clark Cable. As Hong Kong was MarvinA fs base, the book is full of delightful descriptions of Hong Kong of the 1950s and early 1960s, and beautifully captures the city of that day. Marvin describes everything from the Foreign CorrespondentsA f Club, to the dives of Wan Chai, from the high life on the Peak, to opium dens in the Walled City, and from Chinese refugees from the mainland, to days at the beach. Eastern Saga also covers MarvinA fs experiences of events in the wider region, ranging from the expulsion of the Dutch from Indonesia, to Malaysian independence and the early years of the Vietnam war, and his meetings with key figures including Zhou Enlai, Sukarno, Ali Bhutto, and legendary director Satyajit Ray. Above all though, this is a charming account of a fascinating and now vanished era. and 1960s,
Marvin Farkas is an American film maker and former Broadway starwho travelled to the Far East in search of adventure andexcitement. As a news correspondent/cameraman he covered wars inVietnam and Cambodia and the Indo/Pakistani conflict. Marvin filmedearthquakes in Bali and floods in Pakistan and was on hand forimportant political transitions across Asia. He gained thereputation as the man who always got his story.
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