When you’re under pressure to produce a well designed, easy-to-navigate mobile app, there’s no time to reinvent the wheel. This concise book provides a handy reference to 70 mobile app design patterns, illustrated by more than 400 screenshots from current iOS, Android, BlackBerry, WebOS, Windows Mobile, and Symbian apps.
User experience professional Theresa Neil (Designing Web Interfaces) walks you through design patterns in 10 separate categories, including anti-patterns. Whether you’re designing a simple iPhone application or one that’s meant to work for every popular mobile OS on the market, these patterns provide solutions to common design challenges.
Pattern categories include:
Navigation: get patterns for primary and secondary navigation
Forms: break the industry-wide habits of bad form design
Tables and lists: display only the most important information
Search, sort, and filter: make these functions easy to use
Tools: create the illusion of direct interaction
Charts: learn best practices for basic chart design
Invitations: invite users to get started and discover features
Controls and feedback: help users perform actions, and provide them with timely feedback
Help: integrate help pages into a smaller form factor
"It’s a super handy catalog that I can flip to for ideas."
—Bill Scott, Senior Director of Web Development at PayPal
"Looks fantastic."
—Erin Malone, Partner at Tangible UX
"Just a quick thanks to express my sheer gratitude for this pub, it has been a guide for me reworking a design for an app already in production!"
Theresa Neil is a user experience consultant in Austin, Texas, where she designs rich applications for start-ups and Fortune500 companies.
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