Investigating how a number of modern empires transform over the long 19th century (1789-1914) as a consequence of their struggle for ascendancy in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, Foundations of Modernity: Human Agency and the Imperial State moves the study of the modern empire towards a comparative, trans-regional analysis of events along the Ottoman frontiers: Western Balkans, the Persian Gulf and Yemen. This inter-disciplinary approach of studying events at different ends of the Ottoman Empire challenges previous emphasis on Europe as the only source of change and highlights the progression of modern imperial states.The book introduces an entirely new analytical approach to the study of modern state power and the social consequences to the interaction between long-ignored "historical agents" like pirates, smugglers, refugees, and the rural poor. In this respect, the roots of the most fundamental institutions and bureaucratic practices associated with the modern state prove to be the by-products of certain kinds of productive exchange long categorized in negative terms in post-colonial and mainstream scholarship. Such a challenge to conventional methods of historical and social scientific analysis is reinforced by the novel use of the work of Louis Althusser, Talal Asad, William Connolly and Frederick Cooper, whose challenges to scholarly conventions will prove helpful in changing how we understand the origins of our modern world and thus talk about Modernity. This book offers a methodological and historiographic intervention meant to challenge conventional studies of the modern era.
本草思辨录 本书特色 《本草思辨录》共四卷,刊于光绪三十年(1904)。《本草思辨录》载药128味,按《本草纲目》编次排列。《本草思辨录》在研究仲景用药心法方面...
作品目录第1章 基础算法 1.1 分治 1.2 递归 1.3 枚举 1.4 贪心第2章 排序、查找算法 2.1 基本排序算法 2.1.1 插入排序 2.1.2 ...
图解高速铁路作业 本书特色 《图解高速铁路作业》主要包含以下内容:GEODE小车线路精测作业、安博格精测作业、GJY-T-4型轨道检查仪作业、线路检查(直线)作...
作品目录芳香疗法简介一 精油二 与精油相关的名词三 化学成分四 精油运用法及其他疗法五 疾病及其症状六 其他附录A 危险的精油附
A big-hearted romantic comedy in which First Son Alex falls in love with Prince ...
祖传针灸常用处方 内容简介 本书是一部集家传五世针灸临床经验,具有中医辨证论治特色的针灸处方专著。内容丰富,论治确切,临床实用,为针灸临床医生所难得的必修书。对...
物权法论 本书特色 中国政法大学出版社是国家教育部直属重点大学中国政法大学主办的高校法学类专业出版机构,其宗旨是为中国法学教育、法学研究服务。多年来我社始终把法...
从砌砖到装配-亲历我国建筑工业发展六十年 内容简介 本书汇集了陈振基先生六十余年来,在国内期刊、报纸上发表的文章以及提案、建议、邮件、会议报告等六十余篇。内容涵...
Pictures and Passions is a sweeping panorama of art by, for, or about gays and l...
司法审查的合法性基础:英国话题 本书特色 本书是作者在英国杜伦大学写的法学硕士学位论文,它试图为解释司法审查的合法性并描述司法审查的边界提供一种新的视角。全书共...