"John Maeda deconstructs the digital world with the earned authority of an M.I.T.-trained computer scientist and a card-carrying artist. Being ambidextrous with Eastern and Western cultures, he can see things most of us overlook. The result is a humor and expression that brings out the best in computers and art."--Nicholas Negroponte John Maeda is one of the world's leading experimental graphic designers and is quickly becoming a digital culture icon. His early preoccupation with the intersection of computer programming and digital art has resulted in a fascinating, interactive, and stunningly beautiful collection of work. Maeda has pioneered many of the key expressive elements that are prevalent on the web today. Among his most well-known works are "The Reactive Square," which features a simple black square on a computer screen that changes shape if one yells at it, and "Time Paint," in which paint flies across the screen. He has created innovative, interactive calendars, digital services, and advertisements for companies such as Sony, Shiseido, and Absolut Vodka. This is the first publication to present a complete overview of Maeda's work and philosophy. A glorious visual exploration of ideas and graphic form, "Maeda @ Media" takes you through Maeda's beginnings in early computerized printouts, to his reactive graphics on CD-ROM, to his dynamic experiments on the web, to his pedagogical approach to digital visual art, and finally to his overarching quest to understand the very nature of the relationship between technology and creativity. Six thematic chapters provide an overview of his entire career and research. But this is not just a catalog of older work: interspersedbetween each chapter is a new visual essay that has been created exclusively for this publication to underline each of the major themes. Coming together in a massive 480 pages, printed in a dazzling array of color combinations on three different kinds of paper, the result is a manifesto, a finely crafted manual and inspiration sourcebook all in one. With over 1000 illustrations.
亨利·列菲弗尔(1910-)(Henri Lefebvre)是法国著名的哲学家、美学家和评论家。他生于加斯科涅地区的黑格特莫,曾在艾克斯大学和巴黎大学学习哲学,...
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民事诉讼标的论 本书特色 诉讼法制是现代法治的重要内容和标志之一,也是依法治国的重要保障。我国法制建设的历程已经证明,诉讼制度是否健全与完善,直接决定着实体法律...
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背脊疗法 内容简介 如果你已经看过了本书,而且又是一位有心的人,你更可以从发现阳性压痛点的位置,找出它所反映出的脏腑疾病,并进而去医院做进一步检测。这时你就会发...
心血管疾病中成药辩证应用指南 本书特色 《心血管疾病中成药辨证应用指南》内容为:全书突出中医辨证施治的特色,注重临床实践经验的整理,使该书具有良好的科学性和实用...