By Rem Koolhaas and Hans Ulrich Obrist
Having wandered the ruins of Hiroshima, Tokyo and other Japanese cities after WW II,The Metabolists– four architects, a critic, an industrial designer and a graphic designer – showed with the launch of their manifesto Metabolism 1960 how they would employ biological systems (aided by Japan's massive advances in technology) as inspiration for buildings and cities that could change and adapt to the vicissitudes of modern life. Units could be added or removed from buildings likeKisho Kurokawa’s Capsule Tower in Tokyoas required; buildings themselves could be added or removed from cities at will in thecell-like master-plans of Fumihiko Maki .
Project Japan features a series of vivid, empathetic conversations, replete with surprising connections and occasional clashes betweenKoolhaas and Obristand their subjects. The story that unfolds is illuminated, contradicted and validated by commentaries from a broad range their forebearers, associates, critics, and progeny, includingToyo Ito and Charles Jencks.
Interspersed with the interviews and commentary arehundreds of never-before-seen images : master-plans from Manchuria to Tokyo, intimate snapshots of the Metabolists at work and play, architectural models, magazine excerpts and astonishing sci-fi urban visions. Presented in a clear chronology from thetabula rasaof a colonized Manchuria in the 1930s; a devastated Japan after the war; to the establishment ofMetabolismat the 1960 World Design Conference; to the rise of Kisho Kurokawa as the first celebrity architect; to the apotheosis of the movement at Expo '70 in Osaka.
Koolhaas and Obristunearth a history that casts new light on the key issues that both enervate and motivate architecture today: celebrity and seriousness, sustainability and monumentality, globalization, government participation (and abdication), and the necessity for architecture to reach beyond its traditional boundaries in order to embrace the future.
读过金匮卷十九 内容简介 本书原作者陈氏是岭南近代*著名的金匮家。作者研究《金匮》数十年,结合临床著成本书。书中既以经解释,又以经验证经,并阐述自己的学术思想,...
◎ 编辑推荐☆ 爱德华·O. 威尔逊以本书为契机,开创了“社会生物学”这一学科,高度综合了众多学科,横跨自然科学和社会科学两大领域。☆ 作者通过本书不余遗力地向...
作品目录一 厉以宁小传1 走近名家厉以宁2 风华少年踌躇满志3 步入经济学的殿堂4 得名师指点于北大5 深情牵手共度人生6 磨砺心志
作品目录中译本序 序言 第一章神圣空间与世界的神秘化 第二章神圣时间与神话 第三章自然的神圣和宇宙的宗教 第四章人类的存在和
九井諒子クイリョウコpixivやコミティアなどで頭角を現し、2011年3月、イースト・プレスより発売された短編集「竜の学校は山の上 九井諒子作品集」でデビュー。...
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弗雷德里克•方热 Frédéric Fanget精神科医生、心理治疗师,任教于法国里昂第一大学,著有《医治受伤的自信》(Oser. Thérapie de la...