书摘Peter's New HousePeter was helping his mother. She has a new house. He started at 3:30 in the afternoon. First he painted the garage, and then he washed the window. He carried all the heavy furniture into the house, and helped his mother clean the closets. He helped her put the curtains up, too. Peter was very tired by 9:15.When he got home, he couldn't find his key. The front door was locked. Then he tried the back door, but it was locked, too. He decided to climb in the kitchen windows. But suddenly a big black dog jumped up behindJnim! Peter was surprised—he didn't hove a dog! Peter was at the wrong house. Poor Peter was even more tired after he had to tell the police that he wasn't a thief. 彼得的新房子彼得正在帮他母亲干活。她有一座新房子。他下午3:30点开始干。首先他把车库粉刷了一遍,然后擦玻璃。他把笨重的家具搬进屋里,并帮助他妈妈清理柜橱。他还帮她挂上窗帘。到9:15点的时候,彼得十分疲倦。当他回到家后,找不到钥匙了。前门是锁着的。然后他到后门试试,但也锁上了。他决定爬上厨房的窗户。突然一只大只狗跳到他后面!彼得吓坏了——他根本没有狗!彼得进错了屋。可怜的彼得不得不向警察解释他不是小偷。 Not A Crime But A MiracleDavid was a young man with a hobby of fishing, but he seldom got a chance to practise it.Then one summer he decided to have a holiday in the mountains where there were a lot of streams. He thought he could catch many fish there.The first morning after he arrived, he walked to the nearest stream with his fishing-rod. He saw an old man beside the water, so he asked him whether it was a private stream. The old man answered that it was not, so David then said to him, "Well, then it won't be a crime if I catch some fish here, will it?""Oh, no," answered the old man, "it won't be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle." 不是违法是奇迹大卫是个爱好钓鱼的年轻人,可是他极少有机会去钓鱼。有一年夏天,他决定去一个山区度假,那里有许多小溪,他想他一定可以钓到不少鱼。到达那里的第一天平上,他带着鱼竿来到了附近的一条小溪。他看到河边有一位老人,便走过去问他这里是否是私人河流。老人四答说不是,因此大卫对他说:“那么,如果我在这里钓鱼的话,并不违法是不是?”“哦,不,”老人四答,“这不会违法,可会是个奇迹。” That's EasyWhen quite young, Daniel did not always obey the rules at school. One day the teacher caught him breaking a rule and asked him to come forward to be punished. Tn that school, striking the open hand with a ruler was the punishment. Daniel's hands happened to be very dirty. On the way to the teacher's desk he wiped the palm of one hand on his pantaloons."Give me your hand," demanded the teacher. Out went the right hand.The teacher looked at it a moment and said, "Daniel, if you will find another hand in this schoolroom as dirty as that, I will let you go." Instantly from behind Daniel's back came the left hand. "Here it is, sir,' he replied."That will do,' said the teacher, laughing. "You may go." 很简单丹尼尔小的时候常常在学校里违反校规。有一天老师发现他又没有遵守校规,就叫他前来接受惩罚。在那所学校里,惩罚的内容便是打手板。丹尼尔的双手那天非常脏,在去见老师的路上,他把其中一只手在裤子上擦了擦。“伸出手来,”老师说。丹尼尔伸出了右手。老师看着他的手说:“丹尼尔,如果你能在教室里再找到一只这么脏的手,我就原谅你这一次。”丹尼尔马上从身后把他的左手伸出来。“这只,老师,”他说。“好吧。”老师笑着说,“你可以走了。”The Artist's Small DaughterAn artist had a small daughter. Sometimes he painted women without any clothes on, and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this. "She is too young to under~tand," they said.But one day, when the artist was painting a woman without clothes on, he forgot to lock the door, and the little girl suddenly ran into the room. Her mother ran up the stairs after her, but when she got to the top, the little girl was already in the room and looking at the women. Both her parents waited for her to speak.For a few seconds the little girl said nothing, but then she ran to her mother and said angrily, "Why do you let her go about without shoes and socks on while you don't let me?"……
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