红楼梦-(全五卷) 内容简介
本次汉英对照版《红楼梦》,前八十回的英文部分以霍克思先生翻译的企鹅出版社《石头记(The Story Of the Stone,PenguinBooks)1973年版**卷、1977年版第二卷、1980年版第三卷为底本,参照霍克思先生《红楼梦英译笔记》(香港岭南大学文学与翻译研究中心,2000年)及相关日记、书信,对现有译文作了全面系统的校订。中文部分则以人民文学出版社1964年竖排版(启功校注)为底本,主要参校《红楼梦八十回校本》(俞平伯校本)、《脂砚斋重评石头记》(庚辰本)、《脂砚斋甲戌抄阅再评石头记》(甲戌本)、《戚蓼生序本石头记》(有正本)、《乾隆抄本百廿回红楼梦稿》(梦稿本),这些都是霍克思先生在翻译过程中主要参考过的本子。我们的目的是为读者提供一个可靠的汉英对照本,同时如实地反映出霍克思先生在翻译过程中到底做了哪些增删改动,为翻译研究者和爱好者提供参考。因为,读者可以清楚地看到,霍克思的八十回英译本,是与现存各种脂本程本都不一样的本子,我们不妨称之为“霍本”。这个奇特英译《红楼梦》,真实地反映了霍克思先生在翻译过程中的诸多努力。霍克思先生已于2009年7月仙逝。在生前*后几个月内,他还在不断地修改自己的译文。本书也落实了这些修改意见。
红楼梦-(全五卷) 本书特色
红楼梦-(全五卷) 目录
Preface to the Bilingual Edition of The Story of theStone汉英对照版《红楼梦》序汉英对照版《红楼梦》校勘说明Collator's Note to the Bilingual Edition of The Story ofthe SwneNote on Spelling ntroducnon译者序**回甄士隐梦幻识通灵贾雨村风尘怀闺秀Chapter 1Zhen Shi.yin makes the Stone's acquaintance in a dreamAnd Jia Yu—cun finds that poverty is not incompatiblewith romantic feelings第二回贾夫人仙逝扬卅『城冷子兴演说荣国府Chapter 2A daughter of the Jias ends her days in Yangchow cityAnd Leng Zi——xing discourses on the Jias of Rong—guo House第三回托内兄如海荐西宾接外孙贾母惜孤女Chapter 3Lin Ru—hai recommends a private tutor to his brother—in—lawAnd old Lady Jia extends a compassionate welcome to the motherless child第四回薄命女偏逢薄命郎葫芦僧判断葫芦案Chapter 4The Bottle—gourd girl meets an unfortunate young manAnd the Bottle—gourd monk settles a protracted lawsuit第五回贾宝玉神游太虚境警幻仙曲演红楼梦Chapter 5Jia Bao—yu visits the Land of IllusionAnd the fairy Disenchantment performs the'Dream of Golden Days'第六回贾宝玉初试云雨情刘老老一进荣国府Chapter 6Jia Bao—yu conducts his first experiment in the Art of L0veAnd Grannie Liu makes her first entry into the Rong—guomanRion第七回送宫花贾琏戏熙凤宴宁府宝玉会秦钟Chapter 7Zhou Rui'S wife delivers palace flowers and finds Jia Lian pursuingnight sports by dayJia Bao-yu visits the Ning—guo mansion and has an agreeable colloquywith Oin-shi'S brotller第八回贾宝玉奇缘识金锁薛宝钗巧合认通灵Chapter 8Jia Bao—yu is allowed to see the strangely correspond—ing golden locketAnd Xue Bao·chai has a predestined encounter withthe Magic Jade第九回训劣子李贵承申饬嗔顽童茗烟闹书房Chapter 9A son is admonished and Li Gui receives ali alarming warningA pupil is abused and Tealeaf throws the classroom in an uproar第十回金寡妇贪利权受辱张太医论病细穷源Chapter 10Widow Jin'S self-interest gets the better of her righteous indignationAnd Doctor Zhang'S diagnosis reveals the origin of a puzzling disease第十一回庆寿辰宁府排家宴见熙凤贾瑞起淫心Chapter 11Ning—guo House celebrates the bi~hday of an absent memberAnd Jia Rui conceives an illicit passion for his attractive cousin第十二回王熙凤毒设相思局贾天祥正照风月鉴Chapter 12Wang Xi-feng sets a trap for her admirerAnd Jia Rui looks into the wrong side of the mirror第十三回秦可卿死封龙禁尉王熙凤协理宁国府Chapter 13Qin-shi posthumously acquires the status of aNoble DanleAnd Xi-feng takes on the management of aneighbouting establishment第十四回林如海灵返苏州郡贾宝玉路遏北静王Chapter 14Midnight revellers are startled by a sound of evil omenAnd Mid.Autumn moon—watchers listen to quatrains of unequal merit第七十六回凸碧堂品笛感凄清凹晶馆联诗悲寂寞Chapter 76Flute—playing at Convex Pavilion provokes too much melancholyAnd linked verses at Concave Pavilion betray a morbid sensitivity第七十七回俏、r鬟抱屈天风流美优伶斩情归水月Chapter 77A wronged maid takes a loving last leave of her masterAnd three young actresses seek to escape matrimony in the cloister第七十八回老学士闲征姽嫱词痴公子杜撰芙蓉诔Chapter 78Jia Zheng commissions the Ballad of the Winsome ColonelAnd Bao—yu composes an Invocation to the Hibiscus Spirit第七十九回薛文起悔娶河东吼贾迎春俣嫁中山狼Chapter 79Xue Pan finds to his SO~OW that he is married to a termagantAnd Ying—chun'S parents betroth her to a Zhong—shan wolf第八十回美香菱屈受贪夫棒王道士胡诌妒妇方Chapter 80Unfortunate Caltrop is battered by a philandering husbandAnd One Plaster Wang prescribes for an insufferable wifeAppendix附录Characters in Volume 3Genealogical TablesNote on SpellingPrefaue译者序第八十一回占旺相四美钓游鱼奉严词两番人家塾Chapter 81Four young ladies go fishing and divine the futureBao—yu receives ahomily andis re—enrolledintheFamilySchool第八十二回老学究讲义警顽心病潇湘痴魂惊恶梦Chapter 82An old pedant tries to instil some Moral Philosophy into his incorrigible pupilAnd the ailing Naiad,in a nightmare,confronts the spectres of her fevered mind第八十三回省宫闱贾元妃染恙闹闺阃薛宝钗吞声Chapter 83An Indisposition in the Imperial Bedchamber calls for a Family VisitationWhile insubordination in the inner apartments roveals Bao—chai's long。suffering nature第八十四回试文字宝玉始提亲探惊风贾环重结怨Chapter 84Bao—yu is given an impromptu examination,and his betrothal is discussed for the first timeJia Huan visits a convulsive child,and oldhostilities are resumed第八十五回贾存周报升郎中任薛文起复惹放流刑Chapter 85It is announced that Jia Zheng has been promoted to therank of Permanent SecretaryAnd it is discovered that Xue Pan has once mote broughtupon himself the threat of exile第八十六回受私贿老官翻案牍寄闲情淑女解琴书Chapter 86Bribery induces an old mandarin to tamper with the course ofjusticeAnd a discourse on the Qin provides a young lady with a vehicle for romanticfeelings第八十七回感秋声抚琴悲往事坐禅寂走火入邪魔Chapter 87Autumnal sounds combine with sad remembrances to inspire a composition ontheQinAnd a flood of passion allows evil spirits to disturb the serenity of Zen第八十八回博庭欢宝玉赞孤儿正家法贾珍鞭悍仆Chapter 88Bao-yu gratifies his grandmother by praising a fatherless childCousin Zhen rectifies family discipline by chastising two unruly servants第八十九回人亡物在公子填词蛇影杯弓颦卿绝粒Chapter 89Our hero sees the handiwork of a departed10ve.and is moved to write all odeFrowner falls prey to hysterical fearand resolves to starve to death第九十回失绵衣贫女耐嗷嘈送果品小郎惊叵测Chapter 90A poor girl loses a padded jacket and puts up with someobstreperous behaviourA young marl accepts a tray of sweetmeats and is put out bysome devious goings-on第九十一回纵淫心宝蟾工设计步疑阵宝玉妄谈禅Chapter 91In the pursuance of lust,Moonbeam evolves an artful stratagemIn a flight of Zen,Bao—yu makes an enigmatic confession第九十二回评女传巧姐慕贤良玩母珠贾政参聚散Chapter 92Qiao-jie studies the Lives ofNoble Women and shows aprecocious enthusiasm for VirmeJia Zheng admires a Mother Pearl and reflects on the vicissitudes of Life第九十三回甄家仆投靠贾家门{铁槛寺}掀翻风月案Chapter 93A Zhen retainer seeks sheltur in the Jia householdAnd shady activities are revealed behind the Iron Threshold第九十四回宴海棠贾母赏花妖失宝玉通灵知奇祸Chapter 94Grandmother Jia gives a crab-blossom party:a eelebration of the ominousBao—yu loses his Magic Jade:a strange disappearance of the numinous第九十五回因讹成实元妃薨逝以假混真宝玉疯癫Chapter 95A rumour comes true and the Imperial Consortpasses awayA counterfeit is deceptively like the real thing,andBan—yu 10ses his wits第九十六回瞒消息凤姐设奇谋泄机关颦儿迷本性Chapter 96Xi—feng conceives an ingenious plan of deceptionAnd Frowner is deranged by an inadvertent disclosure第九十七回林黛玉焚稿断痴情薛宝钗出闺成大礼Chapter 97Lin Dai—yu burns her poems to signal the end of her heart's follyAnd Xue Bao—chai leaves home to take part in a solemn rite第九十八回苦绛珠魂归离恨天病神瑛泪洒相思地Chapter 98Crimson Pearl's suffering spirit returns to the Realm of SeparationAnd the convalescent Stone-in-waiting weeps at the scene of past affectionAppendix附录Characters in Volume 4Genealogical TablesNote on SpellingPreface译者序第九十九回守官箴恶奴同破例阅邸报老舅自担惊Chapter 99Unscrupulous minions make use of their master's virtlie toconceal a multitude of sinsAnd Jia Zheng is alarmed to read his nephew's name in the'Peking Gazette'**百回破好事香菱结深恨悲远嫁宝玉感离情Chapter 100C altrop disturbs an elaborate seduction and inspkes biaer resentmentBao—vu learns of a distressing betrothal and laments an imminent departure**百一回大观园月夜警幽魂散花寺神签惊异兆Chapter 101In Prospect Garden a moonlit apparition repeats all ancient warningAnd at Scattered FIowers Convent the fortune—sticks provide a strange omen**百二回宁国府骨肉病灾祲大观园符水驱妖孽Chapter 102Illness descends upon the Jia family in Ning—guoHouseAnd charms and holy water are used to exorcizeProspect Garden**百三回施毒计金桂自焚身昧真禅雨村空遇旧Chapter 103Jin-gui dies by her own hand,caught in a web of herown weavingYu-cun encounters an old friend in vain,blind to thehigher truths of Zen**百四回醉金刚小鳅生大浪痴公子余痛触前情Chapter 104Drunken Dime at large again—a small fish whips up a mighty storm0Hr Besotted Hero in agony once more——a chance thrust quickens anumbed heart**百五回锦衣军查抄宁国府骢马使弹劾平安卅『Chapter 105The Embroidered Jackets raid Ning—guo HonseAnd Censor Li impeaches the Prefect of Ping-an**百六回王熙凤致祸抱羞惭贾太君祷天消祸患Chapter 106Wang Xi—feng feels remorse for the consequences of her past misdeedsAnd Grandmother Jia prays for the family's deliverance from further calamity**百七回散余资贾母明大义复世职政老沐天恩Chapter 107Impelled bv family devotion,GrandmotherJia distributes her personal possessionsFavoured wi血an Imperial dispensation,JiaZheng receives his brother's hereditary rank**百八回强欢笑蘅芜庆生辰死缠绵潇湘闻鬼哭Chapter 108A birthday party held for Sister All—spice necessitates a falsedisplay of jollityAnd曲osfly weeping heard at the Naiad'S House provokes afresh outburst of grief**百九回候芳魂五儿承错爱还孽债迎女返真元Chapter 109Fivey shares a vigil,and receives affection meant for anotherYing—chun pays her debt to fate,and returns to the Realm of Primordial Truth**百十回史太君寿终归地府王凤姐力诎失人心Chapter 110Lady Jia ends her days,and returns to the land of shadesWang Xi-feng exhausts her strength,and forfeits the family'S esteem**百十一回鸳鸯女殉主登太虚狗彘奴欺天招伙盗Chapter 111A devoted maid renders a final service.and accompanies her mistresstotheGrearVoidA villainous slave takes his revenge.and betrays his masters into thehands of thieves**百十二回活冤孽妙姑遭大劫死雠仇赵妾赴冥曹Chapter 112Adamantina discharges a karmic debt andreceives a blow from the Hand ofProvidenceAunt Zhao concludes a deadly feud and setsout on the road to the Nether Worid**百十三回忏宿冤凤姐托村妪释旧憾情婢感痴郎Chapter 113Xi.feng repents of her former misdeeds,and entrustsher child to a village dameNightingale softens a long—standing animosity,andwarms to her besotted master**百十四回王熙凤历幻返金陵甄应嘉蒙恩还玉阙Chapter 114Wang Xi.feng ends her life'S illusion and returns to JinlingZhen Yiw,-iia receives the Emperor'S favour and is summoned to the Palace**百十五回惑偏私惜春矢素志证同类宝玉失相知Chapter 115A private obsession revived confirms Xi—chun in an ancient VOWA Dhvsical likeness verified deprives Bao—yu of an imagined friend**百十六回得通灵幻境悟仙缘送慈柩故乡全孝道Chapter 116Human destinies are revealed in a fairy realm,and the Stoneis restored to its rightful ownerMortal remains are~ansported to their terrestrial home,and duty is discharged by a filial son**百十七回阻超凡佳人双护玉欣聚党恶子独承家Chapter 117TwO fair damsels conspire to save the jade,and forestall a flight from earthly bondageAn infamous rogue takes charge of themansion,and assembles a gang of cronies**百十八回记微嫌舅兄欺弱女惊谜语妻妾谏痴人Chapter 118Provoked by a rankling antipathy,Uncle and Cousinplot the ruin of an innocent maidenAlarmed by riddling utterances,Wife and Concubineremonstrate with their idiot master**百十九回中乡魁宝玉却尘缘沐皇恩贾家延世泽Chapter 119Bao-Yu becomes a Provincial Graduate and severs worldly tiesThe House of Jia receives Imperial favour and renews ancestral glory**百=十回甄士隐详说太虚情贾雨村归结红楼梦Chapter 120Zhen Shi-yin expounds the Nature of Passion and IllusionAnd Jia Yu—cun concludes the Dream of Golden DaysCharacters in Volume 5Genealogical TablesLin Ru—hai is conveyed to his last resting.place in SoochowAnd Jia Bao。yu is presented to the Prince of Bei-jing at aroadside haIt第十五回王风姐弄权铁槛寺秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵Chapter 15At Water一moon Priory Xi-feng finds how much profit may be pmcured by theabuse of powerAnd Qin Zhong discovers the pleasures that are to be had under the cover of第十六回贾元春才选凤藻宫秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路Chapter 16Jia Yuan-chun is selected for glorious promotion t0 the Imperial BedchamberAnd Qi“zhong is summoned for premature departure on the J0umey into Night第十七回大观园试才题对额荣国府归省庆元宵Chapter 17The inspection of the new garden becomes a test of talentAnd Rong—guo House makes itself ready for an important visitor第十八回皇恩重元妃省父母天伦乐宝玉呈才藻Chapter 18A brief family reunion is permitted by the magna-nimity of a gracious EmperorAnd an Imperial Concubine takes pleasure in theliterary progress of a younger brother第十九回情切切良宵花解语意绵绵静日玉生香Chapter 19A very earnest young woman offers counsel by nightAnd a very endearing one is found to be a source offragrance by day第二十回王熙凤正言弹妒意林黛玉俏语谑娇音Chapter 20Wang Xi-eng castigates a jealous attitude with some forthright speakingAnd Lin Dai—yu makes a not unattractive speech impediment the subject ofajest第二十一回贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉俏平儿软语救贾琏Chapter 21Righteous Aroma discovers how to rebuke her master by saying nothingAnd artful Patience is able to rescue hers by being somewhat less than truthful第二十二回听曲文宝玉悟禅机制灯谜贾政悲谶语Chapter 22Bao-yu finds Zen enlightenment in an operatic ariaAnd Jia Zheng sees portents of doom in lantern riddles第二十三回西厢记妙词通戏语牡丹亭艳曲警芳心Chapter 23Words from the'Western Chamber'supply ajokethat offendsAnd songs from the'Soul's Return'move atender heart to anguish第二十四回醉金刚轻财尚义侠痴女儿遗帕惹相思Chapter 24The Drunken Diamond shows nobility of character inhandling his moneyAnd the Quiet—voiced Girl provides material for fantasyby losing her handkerchief第二十五回魇魔法叔嫂逢五鬼通灵玉蒙蔽遇双真Chapter 25Two cousins are subjected by witchcraft to the assaults of demonsAnd the Magic Jade meets all old acquaintance while rather the worse for wear第二十六回蜂腰桥设言传心事潇湘馆春困发幽情Chapter 26A conversation on Wasp Waist Bridge is a cover for communication of a different kindAnd a soliloquy overheard in the Naiad'S House reveals unsuspected depths of feelingAppendix附录Characters in Volume lGenealogical TablesNote on SpellingPreface译者序第二十七回滴翠亭杨妃戏彩蝶埋香冢飞燕泣残红Chapter 27Beauty Perspiring sports with butterflies by the Raindrop Pavm“And beauty suspiring weeps for fallen blossoms by the Flowers'Grave第二十八回蒋玉函情赠茜香罗薛宝钗羞笼红麝串Chapter 28A crimson cummerbund becomes a pledge of friendshipAnd a chaplet 0f medicine.beads becomes a source of embarrassment第二十九回享福人福深还祷福痴情女情重愈斟情Chapter 29In which the greatly blessed pray for yet greaterblessingsAnd the highly strung rise to new heights of Passion第三十回宝钗借扇机带双敲画蔷痴及局外Chapter 30Bao—chai speaks of a fan and castigates her deridersCharmante scratches a'qiang'and mystifies a beholder第三十一回撕扇子作千金一笑因麒麟伏白首双星Chapter 31A torn fan is the price of silver laughterAnd alostkylinisthe clueto ahappymarrage第三十二回诉肺腑心迷活宝玉含耻辱情烈死金钏Chapter 32Bao—yu demonstrates confusion of mind by makinghis declaration to the wrong personAnd Golden shows an unconquerable spirit by end—ing her humiliation in death第三十三回手足眈眈小动唇舌不肖种种大承笞挞Chapter 33An envious younger brother puts in a malicious word or twoAnd a scapegrace elder brother receives a terrible chastisement第三十四回情中情因情感妹妹错里错以错劝哥哥Chapter 34A wordless message meets with silent understandingAnd a groundless imputation leads to undeserved rebukes第三十五回白玉钏亲尝莲叶羹黄金莺巧结梅花络Chapter 35Sulky Silver tastes some lotus—leaf soupAnd Golden Oriole knots a flower—patterned fringe第三十六回绣鸳鸯梦兆绛芸轩识分定情悟梨香院Chapter 36Bao—chai visits Green Delights and hearsstrange words from a sleeperBao—yu visits Pear-tree Coun and learnshardfactsfrom a performer第三十七回秋爽斋偶结海棠社蘅芜院夜拟菊花题Chapter 37A happy inspiration prompts Tan—chun to found the Crab——flowerClubAnd an ingenious arrangement enables Bao—chai to settle thechrysanthemum poem titles第三十八回林潇湘魁夺菊花诗薛蘅芜讽和螃蟹咏Chapter 38River Queen triumphs in her treatment of chrysanthemum themesAnd Lady Allspice is satirical on the subject of crabs第三十九回村老老是信口开河情哥哥偏寻根究底Chapter 39An inventive old countrywoman tells a story of somewhat questionable veracityAnd an impressionable young listener insists on getting to the bottom of the matter第四十回史太君两宴大观园金鸳鸯三宣牙牌令Chapter 40Lady Jia holds two feasts in one day in the Prospect GardenAnd Faithful makes foar calls on three donminoes in the Painted Chamber第四十一回贾宝玉品茶栊翠庵刘老老醉卧怡红院Chapter 41Jia Bao-yu tastes some superior tea at Green BowerHermitageAnd Grannie Liu samples the sleeping accommo-dafion at Green Delights四十=回蘅芜君兰言解疑癖潇湘子雅谑补余音Chapter 42Lady Allspicewins over a suspicious nature with somewell—intentioned adviceAnd River Queen enhances her reputation as a wit withsome amusing sarcasms第四十三回闲取乐偶攒金庆寿不了情暂撮土为香Chapter 43An old woman's whim is the occsion of a binhday collectionAnd young man's finds solace ina simle ceremony第四十四回变生不测凤姐泼醋喜出望外平儿理妆Chapter 44Xi-feng's jealousy is theobject of aIl unexpected procationAnd ratience's toilet is asource of unexpected delight第四十五回金兰契互剖金兰语风雨夕闷制风雨词Chapter 45Sisterly understanding finds exprssion in words 0f sisIerly franknessAn autumnal pluviousness is celebrated in verses of autumnal melancholy第四十六回尴尬人难免尴尬事鸳鸯女誓绝鸳鸯偶Chapter 46An awkward person is given an awkward missionAnd a faithful maid VOWS faithfulness unto death第四十七回呆霸王调情遭苦打冷郎君惧祸走他乡Chapter 47In pursuit of love the Oaf King takes a fearful beatingAnd from fear of reprisal the Reluctant Playboy makes ahasty getaway第四十八回滥情人情误思游艺慕雅女雅集苦吟诗Chapter 48The Love—Deluded One turns his thoughts to trade and travelAnd the Poetry Enthusiast applies herself to making verses第四十九回琉璃世界白雪红梅脂粉香娃割腥啖膻Chapter 49Red flowers bloom brighter in dazzling snowAnd venison reeks strangely on rosebud lips第五十回芦雪庭争联即景诗暖香坞雅制舂灯谜Chapter 50Linked verses in Snowy Rushes RetreatAnd lantern riddles in the Spring In Winter Room第五十一回薛小妹新编怀古诗胡庸医乱用虎狼药Chapter 51A clever cousin composes some ingenious riddlesAnd an unskilful physician prescribes a barbarous remedy第五十=回俏平儿情掩虾须镯勇睛雯病补孔雀裘Chapter 52Kind Patience conceals the theft of a Shrimp WhiskerbraceletAnd brave Skybright repairs the hole in a Peacock Goldsnow-cape第五十三回宁国府除夕祭宗祠荣国府元宵开夜宴Chapter 53Ning-gun House sacrifices to the ancestors on New Year's EveAnd Rong—gun House entertains the whole family on Fifteenth NightAppendix附录Characters io Volume 2Genealogical TablesNote on SpellingPreface译者序第五十四回史太君破陈腐旧套王熙凤效戏彩斑衣Chapter 54Lady Jia ridicules the clich6s of romantic fictionAnd Wang Xi.feng emulates the filial antics of Lao Lai·zi第五十五回辱亲女愚妾争闲气欺幼主刁奴蓄险心Chapter 55A foolish concubine seeks to humiliate her own daughterAnd an i11.natured stewardess tries to outwit her young mistress第五十六回敏探春兴利除宿弊贤宝钗小惠全大体Chapter 56Resourceful Tan—chun abolishes abuses in the interests of economyAnd sapient Bao—chai shows how small concessions can be made without loss of dignity第五十七回慧紫鹃情辞试莽玉慈姨妈爱语慰痴颦Chapter 57Nightingale tests Jade Boy with a startling messageAnd Aunt Xue comforts Frowner with words of loving kindness第五十八回杏子阴假凤泣虚凰茜纱窗真情揆痴理Chapter 58In which the cock-bird who mourns his mateiSfoundto be a henAnd a true heart is able to sympathize with astrange kind of love第五十九回柳叶渚边嗔莺叱燕绛芸轩里召将飞符Chapter 59By Willow Walk the conservers of property resort to vio—lence and abuseAnd at Green Delights the defenders of law and orderinvoke a higher authority第六十回茉莉粉替去蔷薇硝玫瑰露引出茯苓霜Chapter 60As a substitute for rose-orris Jia Huan is given jasmine face—powderAnd in return for rose essence Cook Liu is given lycoperdon snow第六十一回投鼠忌器宝玉瞒赃判冤决狱平儿行权Chapter 61Bao·yu owns upto a crime he did not commitAnd Patience bends authority in order that the innocent may be spared第六十二回憨湘云醉眠芍药捆呆香菱情解石榴裙Chapter 62A tipsy Xiang—yun sleeps on a peony—-petal pillowAnd a grateful Caltrop unfastens her pomegranate skirt第六十三回寿怡红群芳开夜宴死金丹独艳理亲丧Chapter 63Flower-maidens combine for nocturnal birthday revelsAnd a grass widow copes with funeral arrangementssingle—handed第六十四回幽淑女悲题五美吟浪荡子情遗九龙佩Chapter 64Five fair women make subjects for a chaste maid's verseAnd nine jade dragons make a love—gift for a flirt第六十五回贾二舍偷娶尤二姨尤三姐思嫁柳二郎Chapter 65Jia Lian's second marriage is celebrated in secretAndthefuturemaniageofSan-jiebecome~samatterofspeculation第六十六回情小妹耻情归地府冷二郎一冷人空门Chapter 66Shame drives a warm-hearted young woman to take her lifeAnd shock leads a cold.hearted young gentleman to renounce the world第六十七回见土仪颦卿思故里闻秘事凤姐讯家童Chapter 67Frowner sees something that makes her homesickAnd Xi.feng hears something that rouses her suspicions第六十八回苦尤娘赚人大观园酸凤姐大闹宁国府Chaptr 68Er-jie takes up residence in Prospect GardenAnd Xi—feng makes a disturbance in Ning—guo House第六十九回弄小巧用借剑杀人觉大限吞生金自逝Chapter 69A scheming woman kills with a borrowed knifeAnd one who has ceased to hope swallows gold and dies第七十回林黛玉重建桃花社史湘云偶填柳絮词Chapter 70Lin Dai—yu resuscitates the Poetry ClubAnd Shi Xiang—yun tries her hand at a song lyric第七十一回嫌隙人有心生嫌隙鸳鸯女无意遇鸳鸯Chapter 71Lady Xing deliberately humilia~s her daughter——in-lawAnd Faithful inadvertently interrupts a pair of love—birds第七十四回惑奸谗抄检大观园避嫌隙杜绝宁国府Chapter 74Lady Wang authorizes a raid on Prospect GardenAnd Jia Xi—chun breaks off relations with Ning-guo House第七十五回开夜宴异兆发悲音赏中秋新词得佳谶Chapter 75